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Body Service Manual August 1964 |
SEATS 4H 1 FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY MANUAL FULL WIDTH SEATS Manually operated front seat adjusters provide fore and aft movement of the seat When the ADNNH HOLL lever at the left scat adjuster is moved rearward T r l T em the seat adjustcrs unlock permitting horizontal J vs travel of the seat When the seat is in the desired 4 jlij position and the lever released the seat is locked r tocmno T we z locmwo wwe 2 r F j h r RETAMJEFS HOLES j Yh FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY WITH d j SEAT ADJUSTERS ATTACHED ASSIST JPF H G tjv l f2r Removal and lnstallatian r l Turn back floor carpeting where necessary to expose seat adjuster to seat support attaching Fig 4Hl M o Sear Adjusters bolts Remove both driver and passenger inner seat belt floor pan attaching bolt 4 Squeeze hooked end of seat adjuster locking 2v Operate Seat tO mu rO Wm d POSMOKL wire together and slide retaining spring back over hump in locking wire and remove locking wire 3 At rear of acljusters remove adjuster to imm udlusten floor pan attaching bolts 5 Remove adjuster to seat bottom frame front 44 Operate Seat assembly O full rearward and rear attaching bolts and remove seat adjuster position from seat assembly Fig 4Hl 5 At front of adjusters loosen adjuster to floor 6 To install I Vm SE r m v 11 e re Check pen 3 ttR hingbU1tS seat assembly for proper operation prior to in stalling seat assembly 6 With aid of helper slide seat assembly rear v I I ward until front iegs of adjuster are txmengagea N0T The Mahi and 16h Shut muster Sluhhe from under mm dttdcjdng bend Remeve Seat dS mechanisms should be in same relative position Semb1vh Ombddv when attaching adjuster to seat bottom frame 7 TO memjp reverse remevrd preeedure 7 If adjusters do not lock or unlock satisfacto A rily when control handle on left adjuster is oper NOTE Make certain rent lege df adjusters ated disengage locking wire retainer from hole in are Cerdpjetejv engaged under rretdiuing belts seat bottom frame and engage retainer in one of before trehtemrrg bO1 S adjacent holes to obtain proper tension in wire Fig 4Hl FRONT SEAT ADJUSTERS FRONT SEAT BACK ASSEMBLY Removal and Installation Removal and Installation l Remove front seat assembly with adjusters attached from body and place upside down on 3 l Remove front seat assembly from body and Clean protected Surgdce place it upside down on a clean protected surface 2 Remove Seat adjuster 355i5t spring from gd RGIUOVG hoe rings securing central portion of jdster to be remeved Fig 4H1 I lower rear edge of seat back trim from front seat cushion spring assembly 3 If left adjuster is being replaced remove adjuster control knob Fig 4H1 3 Raise trim and remove cardboard breakovcr