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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 5D 15 iron Because of this construction it is important g that proper adjustment procedures are followed I when making hinge adjustments Under no cir veil I cumstances should hinges be subjected to excessive strain or pounding which could cause them to break I UPPER HINGE in The rear door can be removed with or without the RCEEVZEER PIL hinges attached If door is being removed from hinges refer to Figure 5D22 If door and hinges are being removed from body refer to Figure 5D23 Z I Removal l 4 2 1 l Mark location of hinge on door hinge pillar I Ik or center pillar depending on method of removal R V being used w I 2 I 2 With door properly supported remove upper Y and lower hinge attaching screws Fig 5D22 or Q I 5D23 1 1053 3 With aid of helper remove door from body LOWER HINGE I TO CENTER PILLAR SCREWS I Installation 1 Carefully clean off old sealing compound at Q I hinge areas Fig 5D23 Re r Dom Hinge Attachment 2 As an anti squeak precaution and to prevent water entry at hinge screw locations apply a coat of heavy bodied sealer to surface of hinge that REAR DOOR ADJUSTMENTS mates to door or center pillar I I g v In or out and up or down adjustment of rear 3 VVith md Of tl help mt door mt P SIt m doors is available at door hinge pillar Fore or aft IYISUIU IUTIEO SO S IOOSGIBV then 11 Imlges and a slight up or down adjustment is provided at within marks previously made and tighten hinge body Center pmgm when making dom udjusmwnti 5 Y WS Ch Ok deer OY PEOPQYV ahtguuem and remove lock striker from rear body lock pillar to adjust as required as specified in Rear Door AHOW dum EO hang free Ou RS hmg S Refer m the Adlushugntsla E ront and Rear Door Section of this manual for striker removal precedure UPPER HINGE TO L r Y V POOR SCREWS Irreom outos REAR GUIDE UPPER BOLT UPPER BOLT I I P I RW I j M I U Q V jj R i A l I 5 l 3 I tt 4 I gt U if I il I x i i A w R It T e wg j mom GUIDE l I l i I LOWER ADJUSTING tj 5 STUD 8 NUT Fri j rx z I ij 1 E R Q I I yi il I f I LOWIER SAg H REAR GUIDE I g L wEr H G wi CHANNEL tAM U E jj l I I DOOR SCREWS I FRONT SCREW I 1051 L Fig 5D22 Rear Door Hinge Attachment Fig 5D24 Rear Door Hardware