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CORVAIR 95 AND GRE With the following exceptions the Powerglide transmission used in 1200 Series vehicles is identical to that used in Corvair Passenger Cars A transmission oil cooler fig 6E 56 is used and is mounted in the left wheel house compartment A different front pump assembly is used to provide cooler in and out fig 6E 57 connections to the transmission oil supply Front pump body incorporates a cooler bypass fig 6E 58 provision to allow oil to recirculate within the transmission in the event of any restriction which creates a pressure build up of more than 15 psi BATTERY ACCESS DOOR DOOR SILL y1 STRAINER COOLER I y ENGINE SHIELD FORWARD Fig 6E 56 Transmission Oil Cooler TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER REPLACEMENT To remove the transmission oil cooler fig 6E 56 which is located in the left rear wheel housing first disconnect the two hose connections by loosening the hose clamps then remove the two cross recess head screws and nuts securing the cooler bracket It should be noted that the same two screws are used to attach the ends of the battery access door hinge To install the oil cooler reverse the above procedure FRONT PUMP BODY TEST PLUG AND OIL COOLER CONNECTIONS The test plugs for the throttle valve TV and front pump pressure are located at 8 o clock and 6 o clock EHBRIER 1Z00 SERIES THROTTLE VALVE TV TO COOLER FROM COOLER FRONT PUMP Fig 6E 57 Front Pump Cover Plugs Identification BF RETAINER E BY PASS VALVE i F SPRING Fig 6E 58 Front Pump Body Oil Cooler Bypass Volvo respectively fig 6E 57 The return oil line from the transmission cooler taps into the front pump cover im mediately inboard from the TV Hot oil is delivered to the cooler from the plug just below the cooler return line Hydraulically oil is delivered to the cooler from the torque converter in circuit returned to the front pump and then delivered to the torque converter feed