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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968 |

A s s E M B L Y IN s r n u c n o N s 3940195 1969 CAMAR0 I2000 SERIES 7 7 MODULATOR PIPE fp E 120369 NUT CLxPmL6 ENG l 1 Q sszuao scmzw Asn 4 BELL CRANK SHAFT 42 245 w apo us Bmw v a ENG 2 3924779 UNDERPAN MODu A1 0p pm 3831527 W RPO us V v 8 ENG E 3799830 BOLT 0lL FILLER TUBEWV smrpmc mrr A y l I FJ 7 Q5 7 w ls Qi e zi V Q 4 s i fans 4 ei 4 g 4 I V Q 4 r lp SHIPPING BOLT wh i ev V 3 FLYWI IEE1 1 art or y 3 engine asm e SPLAS 4 Down rm 0 Q SHE engine asm 1 S 4 E K SUGGESTED INSTALLATION PROCEDURE l V n A 1 Remove converter salety clamp caunou Make sure that converter has not sllpped forward 1 z 7 l 8 Enter transmission case luto dowels on engine assemble oil filler tube modulator pipe l V 8 ENG ONLY on right side of case with bolt as shown 5 4 Seat converter snout in crankshaft pllot hole 5 On L 8 engines assemble modulator pipe clip on lelt side of case with bolt as shown 5 On V 8 engines assemble bell crankshaft bracket of left side mi case with two bolts as shown l 7 Drive 6 transmission case to engine bolts B Drive 3 flywheel to converter bolts E V6 A E 9 Assemble converter under pan splash shield to transmission case with 4 Screws u In xm sm U d r must be all converter bolts prior to torqulng assembled hooked under lip ol oll pan J 4 7P47v M 56 ON l 0a em C3 gg 1g uwsgmw l vnew A J v l l cwevnom mma mvxsiou one orc me S lux uma ml m et l I Y 6 44 r wu new wo Mew f tw 9 AUTO TRANS 11 sTALLAT 0N pnoczuumg M 35 MM g 4 g4 c2 v bAoQeq nr 995 7 t 4 v u w as lss 9 azs s M 4 view ua 7 w0 ep r e em 2 I 3 12000 742 5 5 l EE REm9vED pu S no A pm s 2 NM var W V l one 2 5 s GE L L FTTK 7 7 7 7 T7 ir