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Parts and Accessories Catalog 32C February 1993 |
1987 TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS V Indicated Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR BASIC INT BIG 4 PARTS 48 Med Emerald 13 Lt Pearl Gray Med Pearl Gray 78 Garnet Red Gray 2O Very Dk Sapphire Med Sapphire GO Lt Driftwood D Driftwood 82 Med Dk Gray Med Dk Gray Dk Gray SEAT OPTION CODE LEGEND AM6 55 45 B G 45 55 C H 45 50 E AO9 Articulating Bucket AM8 45 55 Front Seat w Console Less A Rst 2 Pass A65 Notch Back Bench 3 Pass TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEAT OR DOOR DOORS D Deluxe 1 lst Design C Cloth M Custom 2 2nd Design V Vinyl S Standard 3 3rd Design L Leather L Luxury 4 4th Design 5 5th Design A Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 Black The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth vinyl B C D E G H J 8 All Vinyl N R V W Y Z Leather 2 3 4 5 Seat Lt Dk Med Lt Med Seat Option Trim Level Pearl Sap Emer 0rift Garnet Dk Material Styles Code Seats Deer Gray phire ald wpcd Red Gray Texture 3CX69 AM6 S1 1C 13C 20C 480 600 780 82C PRIMA II DOESKIN CF BCX69 AM6 M2 IC 135 205 605 785 825 SIERRA LEATHER 3CW11 AM6 52 2C 20D 480 GOD 780 820 ELITE PRIMA II CL 3CW69 AM6 S2 2C 130 20D 480 600 78D 82D ELITE PRIMA II OL 3CW11 AM6 S2 2C 203 603 783 823 SIERRA LEA DOESKIN CF 3CW69 AM6 S2 20 133 203 603 783 823 SIERRA LEA DOESKIN CE 3CW1l AM8 M3 3L 604 SIERRA LEA SUEDE DOESKIN CF 3CW69 AM8 M3 3L 604 824 SIERRA LEA SUEDE DOESKIN CF BCX69 AO9 D4 4L 206 786 826 SIERRA MOROCCO LEATHER 1993 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBlLE 32C t 2 93 14 14 000