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Parts and Illustration Catalog 17F January 1992
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REAR AXLE FIELD IDENTIFICATION Axles are manufactured by Buickwchevrolet Buffalo Chevrolet Warren Chevrolet Gear and Axle Oldsmobile Pontiac and McKinnon Divisional Manufacturer code letters will be metal stamped on the axle tube adjacent to the carrier for field identi fication See example Metal stamped on right front inboard side letters and numerals 1 A high 3 outboard of carrier or are located on a metal tag attached to cover bolt Reference should be made to divisional service manuals for location on some models I FIELD IDENTIFICATION MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR IDENTO PLATE all NK B 218 D W LIMITED SLIP IDENT G8O OPTION W BORG WARNER RATIO E EATON CODE O OLDS MANUFACTURER IDENTITY DAY OF YEAR AXLE BUILT D DAY SHIFT N NIGHT SHIFT MANUFACTURER IDENTITY B BUICK G CHEVROLET GEAR AND AXLE O OLDSMOBILE G CHEVROLET BUFFALO P PONTIAC K CM OF CANADA ST CATHERINES M PONTIAC CANADA MCKINNON W CHEVROLET WARREN MANuFAcruneas x ENTir1cAr10N w1LL APPEAR IN THE DESCRIPTION cotumu OF CATALOG EXAMPLE az A a c w Gao massa 2 PLATE DIFF PRELOAD P M TYPE 1992 m NEnALum0T0ns ssnvncz mars OPERATIONS CHEVROLET 17F 1 92 5 1 5 000