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Parts and Illustration Catalog 17A May 1991 |

1 E l82 91 SEAT BELT BUCKLES CAR14 ALL DELUXIEE I VINYL l TYPE 2 ill M MN l fl vnwvwovenecl J ctw Mami aucxu 1 M BUEKLE 1 W x 2 l l wifi 1 ltJ1 J L j js 4 2 gz g t l 3 i l 1 JI TYPlE3 TYPEE4 TYPE5 Qll t fl M li 4 f ttl 110 s p Amt 1 l Q 3 r f a Vx 2 4 rr 1 Z A A w A Nzaf c 4 1 J ME i A Q i Q 1 5 fl S xi TYPE6 TYPE8 TYPE9 Z EE 5 111 hl lll 71 J l r L 11 l Q 33 I 1 if K I ji P J2 cj Q A 1 A w i1s hq JN fw r r 7 6 11 t L e it 1 ELT TE T E L BBS W xg 31 A ig L r eff Q ni 5 l 1 rr l l This illustration iprcnwides visual identification of the various types of production installed seat belts The best clistingiuishinag feature is the 1 onfi guration of the metal D ring that in serts into the bu c l e The different buckle designs can also be utilized in conjunction with their respective D ring to correctly identify the seat belt type Not all types are available on each model NOTE BUCKLE SIDE 1Nc1 ul Es CENTER PASSENGER PROVISIONS WHEN APPLICABLE 1991 GENERAL Motoes SElRVlCE PARTS OPEQRATIONS cHEVROLET 17A T 5 91 14 33 14 875