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CHASSIS ABBREVIATIONS Name Name Name Actuating Actuator Act Four Door Sedan 4 D S Pressure Press Adjuster Front Frt Primary Pri Adjustable Adjusting Adj Propeller Prop Air Ride Spring Gallon Gal Propeller Shaft Prop S or Suspension Air R Gasket Gkt Ampere Amp Gasoline Gas Quart Quarts Qt Anti Spin Differential A S Diff Generator Gen Quarter 1 4 Approximate Approx Armature Arm Harness Hrns Radiator Rad Assembly Assy Head Hd Reference Refer To Ref As Required AR Headlamp H Lmp Reflecting Autronic Eye A Eye Heavy Duty H D Reflector Reflex Refl Auxiliary Aux High Compression H Comp Regulator Reg Holiday Coupe H C Reinforcement Rfct Back Up Lamp B U L Holiday Sedan H S Release Rel Barrel Bbl Holiday Wagon H W Retainer Retained Ret Battery Bty Horsepower H P Retaining Retg Bearing Brg Housing Hsg Replace Replacing Bellcrank B Crank Hydraulic Hyd Replacement Repl or B C Hydra Matic Require Bracket Brkt Transmission H T Requires Required Req Bumper Bmp Resistor Rstr Bushing Bshg Ignition Ign Right Hand R H Business Coupe B C Inch Inches In Right Hand Drive R H D Inclusive Round Rd Cadmium Cad Including Includes Inc Round Hd Rd Hd Camshaft Cm S Indicator Indicated Ind Car Air Conditioning C A C Inside Diameter LD Secondary Sec Carburetor Carb Insulator Insulated Insl Shock Absorber Shk Abs Center Ctr Instrument Inst Special Spec Circumference Circ Intake Int Special Cooling Spec Cool Club Coupe C C Intermediate Inter Speedometer Speed Compartment Compt Sport Sedan S S Compressor Jato Carburetion J 2 Spring Spg Compression Comp Joint Jt Stabilizer Stab Connecting Junction Jct Standard Std Connector Connection Conn Standard Brake S B Contact Left Hand L H Standard Steering S S Contactor Contacting Cntc Left Hand Drive L H D Starfire Conv S fire Control Cont Lever Lvr Station Wagon S W Convertible Conv Lock Locking Lk Steering Strg Cool Star Air Lower Lwr Super Cool Air Conditioning C Star A C Lubricate Conditioning S Cool A C Crankshaft Cr S Lubricating Lubricant Lub Support Supt Cylinder Cyl Switch Swt Cubic Cu Manifold Mani Synchro Mesh Medallion Mdln Transmission S T Deluxe Dlx Miscellaneous Misc Diameter Dia Molding Mldg Temperature Temp Differential Diff Mounting Mtg Terminal Term Displacement Displ Thermostat T Stat Distributor Dist Number No Thread Thd Division Div Town Sedan T S Door Dr Oil Pump O P Transmission Trans Dual Exhaust D E Ornament Orn Turn Signal T Sig Dynaflow Ounce Ounces Ox Two Barrel Carburetor 2BC Transmission D F Outside Diameter O D Two Door Coupe 2 D C Over All Length O L Two Door Sedan 2 D S Emblem Emb Oversize O S Engine Eng Undersize U S Escutcheon Escn Package Pkg Universal Joint U J Except Exc Parking Brake Prk B Upper Upr Exhaust Exh Passenger Pass Extension Pedal Ped Vacuum Vac Extended External Ext Piece Pieces Pc Ventilator Vent Plunger Ping Voltage Volt Feet Foot Ft Positive Crankcase Fluid Fl Ventilation Pos Vent Water Pump W P so Flexible Flex Pound Pounds Lb Windshield W S Flywheel Fl Wh Power Brake P B Wiring Wrg Four Barrel Carburetor 4BC Power Steering P S With W