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Parts and Accessories Catalog 31 January 1964 |

Clamp Gasoline tank filler 3 003 Clip Clutch yoke return spring 0 846 Coil unit Generator field 2 310 Clamp Gearshift lever 4 032 Clip Crankcase vent tube 1 762 Collar Clutch release baring 0 799 fe cirmp Hose 1 166 Clip Direction siznel lemp 2 892 Collar Aux ems 1 r 1r 4 540 Clamp Hot water heater core 8 854 Clip Distributor contact spring 2 387 gona Generator drive end 2 3Q Clamp Hydraulic steering pump Clip Dome lamp wire 16 495 Cgllggl 5 5 8 motor thrust 2 63 hose 6 672 Clip Door window garnish Qgugn Tra S control hand lever 4 012 Clamp Muffler exhaust pipe and moulding 16 310 cough mns cgnugl shifter tail pipe 3 708 Clip Front door opening w strip shaft 4 g46 Clamp Power divider support 4 500 retaining 16 225 Qgllggl vacuum Powe brake cyl Clamp Radiator grille baffle 1 274 Clip Front door window reveal Pi t n i 4 924 Clamp Radiator 2 343 moulding 16 185 Collector Transmission chip 4 1Q5 Clamp Retarding brake control CHP FND f l d l 8 143 8 154 Compressor Ai cqnditiqgjng 9 170 rod 4 260 Clip Gasoline feed pipe 3 162 Condenser pgstdbutor 2 3Q3 Clamp Steering column 6 760 Clip Gearshift selector swivel 4 037 Condens 3 2 31g Clamp Steering connecting rod 6 870 Clip Hand throttle rod and tube 3 483 Conditigner unit ML g 16g Clamp Steering gear 6 803 Clip Headlamp lens and Cone Aux trans output shaft gimp steering gear ban return sealed beam retaining 2 739 front harm 4 520 guide 6 843 Clip Headlamp wire junction Cong pif Sid bearing 5 536 Clamp Steering shaft U joint 6 525 bl0 k 2 556 Cm re Drive shaft pinion reg 5 484 Clamp Steering shaft upper Clip Hood ledge anti squeak 9 128 Cone pmnt wheel ima bm 6314 bearing 6 526 Clip Hood panel 8 021 Cgng Front wheel inner bcmqng Clamp Tie rod end 6 234 Clip Hood prop 8 016 W bans 6318 Clamp Tire rim locking 5 839 Clip Hot water heater control 8 852 Cong F ont whe cute bearing 6315 Clamp Transmission control Clip Hydraulic brake pipe 4 686 gone Front wheel ute bem ing cable 4 047 Clip Hydraulic steering W balls 6 31Q Clamp Transmission oil cooler pump hose 6 602 6 672 Cgnel pinion Shaft mnt begun S 447 pipe 4 128 Clip Oil level tube ussy 1 516 Cone Rea wheeg bening 5 855 Clamp Transmission oil Clip Parking brake lever pawl 4 594 corre steering wom thrust fillertube 4 132 4 133 Clip Radiator overflow 1 240 A begging 6527 Clamp Trans range control Clip Radiator shutter 1 035 cone TmnS teveme 4 8g cable 4 560 Clip Seat beck Tim 16 724 Cone Trans synchronizing 4384 Clamp Trans torque converter 4 104 Clip Seat cushion 16 716 Connector Air comp asso 4 866 Clamp Vacuum power Clip Spark plug wire 2 251 Congiector Ai conditioning whe 9 276 brake cyl 4 906 4 930 Clip Spring rebound front and Connector Carburetor ad Ptc 3 725 Clamp Vacuum shift selector rear 7 513 Cmmectot Carburetor fuel inleh 3 740 valve 5 638 Clip Starter pedal shaft 2 029 Connector Coolant pump bypass Logy Clamp Vacuum shift selector Clip Sunshade and support assy 15 070 Connector Electrical 2 530 valve cable 5 636 Clip Throttle control rod 3 425 Connector Ether cup 0 293 Clamp assy Exhaust pipe frt Clip Transmission control Connecton Hydraulic bake 4 686 and rr 3 708 safety 4 054 Connector Hom button Contach 2 81g Clamp unit Exhaust system 3 617 3 708 Clip Transmission oil cooler Connector Oil mm ming 1 855 Clamp unit Steering gear jacket 6 760 pipe 4 128 Connector Radiatm hose Outlet 1 173 Cleaner Carburetor air 3 402 Clip Transmission range control Connector Rad shutter 1 035 Cleaner Distributor air 2 365 3 870 cable 4 560 gonnecrm R d shutter ai Cleaner Engine high detergent Clip Transmission range control creme L040 oil 1 850 valve 4 550 Connector starting mmol switch 2 102 Cleaner Vacuum power brake CuP T S i i Vacuum Connector Steering gear hyd CYL 4 913 modulator 4 205 valve hose 6 673 Cleaner assy Radiator shutter 1 040 Clip Vacuum power brake connector suse tank inlet Cleaner assy Trans range cylinder 4 916 4 930 4 931 hose 16 066 1 159 control 4 552 Clip Vacuum shift selector 5 638 C mect0 Tmnsmissicn Ou Cleaner units 8 800 Clip Windshield 10 163 cooler 4 128 Clevis Accelerator pedal rod 3 425 Clip Windshield garnish 16 013 Connector Transmission control Clevis Brake lever 4 824 Clip Windshield washer pump 1 Q 4550 Clevis Power divider or aux relay 16 065 Connector Two speed axle trans shift 4 560 Clip Windshield wiper motor 16 065 vacuum shift 5638 Clevis Transmission control Clip assy Electrical switch 2 530 Connecton vacuum Powe brake cable 4 047 Clock Instrument panel 9 772 cylinder 4331 Clip Air compressor 4 866 Cloth unit Polishing 8 800 connector windshield wipe Clip Air conditioning p C1 T iS l manifold 3 278 clutch 9 186 countorshaft 4 421 Connector windshield wipe Clip Air conditioning Clutch Trans 2nd 3rd 4th pipe 16 066 control 9 275 9 278 and Sth speeds 4 380 Connector assyw Aix Clip Air flow control rod 9 787 Clutch assy Engine air fan 1 050 conditioning eva 9 220 Clip Back window glass 16 475 Coil Air cond compressor gmmectm assyw Differential Clip Battery to starting switch 2 530 clutch actuating 9 186 locking Cyp 5 511 Clip Brake pedal 4 630 Coil Aix cond compressor shaft 9 175 x Connector assyn T mS range V Clip Brake shoe hold down 5 043 Coil Ignition 2 170 mum 1 4550 Clip Carburetor pump lever 3 842 Coil Starting motor 2 049 Connector assyn Vacuum Powe cup Carburetor rhroeue 3 762 Coil e y Wiper meter field 16 065 l brake cyl 4 931 Clip Clutch pedal 0 854 Coil assy Windshield washer Connectm assyu Vacuum shift 5538 Clip Clutch slave pipe and hose 0 785 pump 10 153 16 065 1964 Chovrolot Motor Division General Motors Corporation 51 HD1 REVISED JANUARY 1 1964 MCC