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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |
BATTERY 6Y 5 EMERGENCY BOOST CHARGING 3 FULL CHARGE HYDROMETER TEST In cases where the Battery is not sufficiently charged This iost should bo used only on Bnttorios which te crank thO Ongin an emergency boost cheese m3Y be test good with testing equipment or Specific Gravity 9 l Pl19d BS 3 temporary XP di t in Order te Crank the Cell Comparison Test but which subsequently fail in engine The Emergency Boost Charge method consists sor Vioo iniiirliinirisins et e 40 to 50 emnere rate fer e peried ef ene Remove me Battery from the vehicle and adjust r the electrolyte level as ece b dd It should be particularly noted that the Emergency oolorloss odorless drinkin wats sry y 3 mg Boost Charge will not necessarily restore the Battery to o Fully ohargo tho lgattsry at the Slow Charging a useful state of Charge fO1 COIltiTlLl d S I VlC After im rate as covered in the section entitled Bglttery emergency boost charge failure to charge the Battery ChargingII t I gti t F E h2 hit g t gnngignirgigiiiitigeiiiigne Portod oirt Measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte in s mal rosu each cell and interpret as follows in failure to crank the engine the next time cranking is Hydromotor Reading L SSTha l l1 23O I iil11c large attempted A Battery should never be condemned On the hydrometer readings less than 1 230 corrected basis of failure to crank the engine after an emergency for tomporamro indicate tho Battery is dofootivo boost charge Although an emergency boost charge may and Should be roolaood nut enough energy inte the Battery to crank the engine Hydi ometer Readings Above 1 310 run energe once further charging usually is necessary in order to hydrometer readings above 1 310 corrected for create a sufficient reserve to crank a second and third temperature indicate that the cells have been time improperly filled activation or improperly serv iced Poor service and short Battery life will result BATTERY TESTING PROCEDURES Testing procedures are used to determine whether the SPECIFIC GRAVITY READINGS Bottot Y ie 1 seed en Seb1e 2 e iree Toohotgtog ot A hydrometer can be used to measure the specific 3 should be replaced Analysis of Battery conditions gravity of tho olootrolyto in oaoh ooll can be accomplished by performing a visual inspection The hydrometer moasuros tho porooniago of Sulplluric Instrument Toot and tho full Charge hvdremeter toot acid in the battery electrolyte in terms of specific grav ity As a battery drops from a charged to a discharged I VISUAL INSPECTION condition the acid leaves ithe solution and enters the Tho first Stop in tosting tho Battery should bo n plates causing a decrease in specific gravity of electro Visnoi insnootioni which vory otton Wiii snvo time and lyte indication of the concentration of the electrolyte expense in determining Battery COI1diti0I 1 IS Jrbtamettwlth a hydrometen o chock tho outside ot tho Battery tor n broken or hen using a hydrometer observe the following points Crooked oiiso or ti broken or Crooked ooVor it 1 Hydrometer must be clean inside and out to insure any damage is evident the Battery should be en eeeerete r ad1I g replaced 2 Hydrometer readings must never be taken immedl Note the electrolyte level Levels that are too ately after Wttter ha been addect The Weter Ioust Pe low or too high may cause poor performance as thoroughly m r d Wlth the electrolyte by chargmg for Covered in the section en aded peneeie Serv et ieeet 15 minutes et e me meh eeeueh te mee ioingn vigorous gassing Check for loose cable connections and for evi 3 Fyqrometer hi buiIt m thermometem drew Iiquid dence of corrosion as covered in section entitled an 0 It teiveret Hoes te msum Correct temperature Periodic Servicing Correct as required before 4 Hefzre 3 mg It admg nrooooriing with tostsi roll hy rome er vertically and draw in Just enough liquid from battery cell so that float is free floating 2 Sn E T Tet 2 ia iiiiil i i 23 fi i L A number of suppliers have approved testing of liquid Disregard the curvature where the liquid Oquipment available These testers have a PTO rises against float stem due to surface tension srammed test procedure consisting of a series of 5 Avoid dropping battery fluid on car or clothing as it timed discharge and charge events requiring ap is extremely corrosive Any fluid that drops should proximately 2 to 3 minutes that will determine the be washed off immediately with baking soda solution condition of the Battery with za high degree of accu The specific gravity of the electrolyte varies not only racy When using these testers the procedure rec with the percentage of acid in the liquid but also with ommended by the tester manufacturer should be fol temperature As temperature increases the electrolyte lowed Batteries should not be charged prior to expands so that the specific gravity is reduced As tem testing or doing so may alter the test results If a perature drops the electrolyte contracts so that the spe tester is not available for testing the Specific cific gravity increases Unless these variations in spe Gravity Cell Comparison Test may be used or an cific gravity are taken into account the specific gravity alternate method but with a sacrifice in testing obtained by the hydrometer may not give a true indication accuracy of the concentration of acid in the electrolyte CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SLPPLEMENT