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Parts and Accessories Catalog 17W June 1991 |

1988 SPECIAL ORDER TIRIM COMBINATIONS Seat Very Med Seat Option Trim Level Dk Beech Material Styles Code Seats Door Sapphire wood Texture 1BL69 A52 AV7 Sl IV 206 666 SIERRA CF AS7 1BL69 A52 AV7 S1 IV 207 667 MILLPDRT CL AS7 1BL69 A52 AV7 SIA 1V 205 665 MILLPORT CL F SEAT AS7 SIERRA CF R SEAT 1BL69 Av7 SIA IV 205 666 MILLPORT CL E SEAT SIERRA CF R SEAT 1BL69 Balance of interior same as G trim level Includes D09 F Seat Ctr A Rst as an option Millport cloth for Dk Blue is W7151 Med Blue 1BN35 A52 AV7 S1 1V 206 666 SIERRA CF IBN35 A52 AV7 Sl 1V 207 667 MILLPORT CL 1BN35 Balance of interior same as D trim level Millport cloth for Very Dk Sapphire is w7I51 Med Blue Med Beechwood is W9205 Med Gognac Balance of interior same as G Trim Leve Note The above Trim Combs are available only with Option A75 Heavy Duty Front 8 A76 Heavy Duty Rear Seat Assemblies t 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS CHEVROLET 17W 6 91 14 z 14 000