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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |

The 1968 Corvair models will remain basically the TOWING THE 1968 CORVAIR I same as 1965 except for minor styling changes product improvements and new key and lock coding information 55T I P 96 thCO vaI can be 1 3 1Y aPS S Q1 Lubrication information for the 1968 corvair will re t t d 1f 3 O 3g 3 Smg 6 S mg pmclp a main the same as outlined in Section Oof the 1965 Corvair Page m Igums eg t th b d he t Gt 1 Chassis Shop Manual except as noted OWEYGL Severe amage O G O y mar S G i 3 the engine exhaust system and the engine cooling air ex haust duct work may result if care is not exercised while MODEL IDENTIFICATION placing the tow bar or towing the vehicle with a tow bar 1 not incorporating the sling and cross bar features Series Model Number Description The rear of the vehicle can be raised without damaging Standard 10137 2 DOOr Sport Coupe the suspension components or the body using the following 7 procedure m 5 Passenger 1 Use a lifting sling employing the principle of the 10537 2 Door Sport Coupe sling shown MOH R 4 Passenger 2 Attach the tow hooks of the lifting sling to the outer Z 10567 2 Door Convertible ends of the rear strut rods lf the strut rods cannot 4 Passenger be used because of damage or failure the two hooks or chains can be attached through the bracket which attaches the forward end of the torque control arms to the body VEHICLE D LEN ON 3 It is extremely important to position a short piece M d 1 g DOO1 2 DOOI of 4 x 4 between the crossarm of the lifting sling O 9 5 Ort Cod 9 Convertible and the engine skid plate so that it lifts at the center P D i T j of the engine below the skid plate This is necessary Oilgau 183 BH 183 BH to prevent above mentioned damage Width Lifting Cor With Drive on Hoist ui Overall Body 69 8 69 B Many dealer service facilities and service stations are Height now equipped with a type of automotive hoist which must Overall 52 8 53 0VY bear upon some part of the frame in order to lift the H H vehicle In Figure 4 the shaded areas indicate areas Wheellge 108 108 recommended for hoist contact Tread Front 55 0 55 0 Tread Rear 56 6 56 6 Curb Approximately 2601 lbs vveigm 2 Dr sport Coupe N I i l umn AND seam NUMBERS jp The body identification tag has been relocated to the U right of the engine mount instead of the left The new fy Q location of the three and four speed transmissions source I data code as shown on Figure 1 KEYS AND LOCKS I Four keys two hexagonal head and two round head are provided with each vehicle The hexagonal head key operates the ignition switch and front door locks The re d heed key Operates the leeke fer the glove bex and Fig 1 mee and Fw speed Tronsmission umn Number stamped front compartment lid on Boss on Right Hond Side of Tronsmission Upper Left Hond Corner CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT