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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |
ENGINE FUEL 6M s A 9 I SPECIFIED GAUGE BETWEEN STOP TANG ON LOCKOUT LEVER BEND TANG AND BOTTOM SURFACE OF AIR HORN Q TO ADJUST PLACE FAST IDLE TANG ON SECOND I ff STEP OF FAST IDLE lv CAM J O ng 1 Y u BEN D TANG I 5 SPECIFIED to ADJUST ri I SPECIFIED GAUGE GAUGE SET ENGINE BETWEEN IDLE SCREW BETWEEN IDLE FIRST AND THROTTLE LEVER THROTTLE BEND TANG LEVER TANG D TO AD ST AND Lo I oUt JU Fig ll F st Idle Adjustment Model HV E ER g THROTTLE VALVE Fost nate Adiustment rag II CLOSED Insert a strip of paper between idle speed screw and throttle lever then holding throttle lever in the closed position turn idle screw in until a firm drag is felt on the strip of paper Turn idle speed screw in 1 1 2 Fig l2 Lock0ut Adjustment Model H additional turns Place fast idle tang On the Second Step Of the fast idle ang to obtain specified clearance between notch in lock out lever and throttle lever tang cam next to the highest step then the specified gauge With throttle lever in locked out position bend stop should just fit between the idle speed screw and edge of tang on lockout lever to obtain specified clearance be the throttle level tween stop tang and bottom surface of air horn ITIOTE A mbper band may b u S d tO hO1d the NOTE The primary carburetor choke me rottle valve in the closed position while mak mg the mma idle Setting chamsm operates the lockout mechanism on the L k Ad F 12 secondary carburetor therefore final adjust oc out justment Ig ment must be made with the carburetor installed With the throttle closed and edge of throttle lever on the engine Refer to Section 6 under Engine lockout tang flush with lockout lever bend throttle lever Tune Up Carburetor Synchronization CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT