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<- Alphabetical Index Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 34 February 1961 Illustration Index ->
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Gasket W S wiper housing 10 163 Grommet Trans control cable 4 021 Hinge Front door 10 450 10 454 16 320 Ga ket W S wiper motor 10 152 16 065 Grommet Trans filler tube 4 133 9 775 Hinge Instr panel Gasket W S wiper Grommet W S washer compt door 10 262 16 115 motor cover 10 157 16 065 connector to nozzle 8 798 Hinge Rear door 10 456 10 460 Gasket kit Carburetor 3 724 Grommet W S wiper Hinge Tail gate 12 184 Gasket kit Engine 0 010 0 289 motor 10 152 16 065 Hinge assy Body side door 16 157 Gasket kit Engine tune up 0 010 Groove retainer 8 940 Hinge assy End gate 17 208 Gasket unit Door outside handle 10 538 Guard unit Bumper 7 828 Hinge assy Engine Gasket unit Transmission 4 005 Guard unit Door edge 10 352 compartment lid 8 015 Gate assy Tail 12 179 Guard unit Gas tank filler door 12 944 Hinge assy Folding seat panel 11 380 Gauge Gas instrument panel 3 108 Guide Carb pump valve spring 3 825 Holder Starting motor brush 2 052 Gauge Gas tank 3 107 Guide Clutch pedal cable pulley 0 855 Holder assy Wiper Gauge Oil level 1 516 Guide End gate 1 17 625 motor brush 10 150 16 065 Gauge Trans oil filler cap 4 133 Guide Parking brake idler lever 4 791 Hook Clutch pedal pull back Gear Camshaft timing 0 736 Guide Rear door window 10 765 spring 0 846 Gear Crankshaft 0 728 Guide Rear seat pan brake cable 12 981 Hook Coat and seat belt 15 388 16 714 Gear Differential pinion 5 526 Guide Strg gear worm ball Horn Air cleaner air 3 417 Gear Differential side 5 528 return 6 842 Horn Carburetor air 3 730 Gear Distributor drive 2 374 Guide Valve push rod 0 439 Horn assembly 2 810 Gear Speedometer drive 4 343 Guide assy Clutch pedal cable 0 855 Hose Air cleaner 3 417 Gear Trans 4 256 Guide assy Qtr window 11 040 Hose Air cleaner to carb 3 407 Gear Trans countershaft 4 421 Guide assy Ramp door 17 202 Hose Crankcase vent 1 762 Gear Trans lst and reverse 4 417 Gusset assy Outer panel and Hose Floor pan drain 12 981 Gear Transmission high speed 4 415 rr panel 17 110 Hose Gas tank filler 3 003 Gear Trans reverse ring 4 187 Hose Heater 8 866 Gear and pinion unit Rear axle 5 529 H Hose Heater air distributor 9 786 Gear assy Steering 6 508 Handle Battery access doot I U U 16 548 Hose Heater and defroster 9 779 G Y T 1 1 d1t I Door lock amide 10 512 16 333 H 1 mud drive clutch 4 351 Handle Dom lock remote control 16 345 balance tube 3 267 Gear assy Trans reverse idler 4 430 Handle Door Outside h I A V l h 10 527 Hose Luggage compt floor Gear assy Trans 2nd speed 4 395 Handle Door window I l 10 797 pan drain 12 981 Gear package Distributor 2 374 Handle Endgule lock U 0 l l 17 204 Hose assy Hydraulic brake 4 680 Generator 2 275 Handle Folding Seat I 11 80 Hose assy Windshield washer 8 798 Glareshade assy 10 203 Handle From door Housing Ash tray 12 016 Glass Back window 11 204 16 464 Housing Choke 3 750 ventilator 10 664 16 176 Glass Front door 10 685 16 180 Handle Tum comm lever U 4009 Housing Crankcase cover 0 206 Glass Front door Handle any Dom lock U I A I 16333 Housing Direction signal control 2 895 ventilator 10 658 16 174 Handle assy Door Outside U V 16360 Housing Distributor 2 362 Glass Instrument case face 9 748 Handle dis D d l 16 270 Housing Front door lock y oor win ow Glass Rear door window 10 741 16 136 Handle ussyw Quarter window I A 11944 Yl1 d9f 10 552 16 328 Glass Tailgate 12 180 Hum Body wlrlnq l3 0g0 Housing Lock lumbl f 16 328 Glass Trans control md dial 4 038 Hamm Hom and Il ughund 2 430 H in I uqqcqe compt lid lock 12 249 Glass Windshield 10 027 16 005 Harness Instrument panel wiring 2 480 H i L Sl rli l l 1 d lV9 2 085 Governor assy Trans 4 256 Harness Main wiring 2 480 Housing Trans control ind lamp 4 038 Grills Aj vgntilqtor Outlet 9 783 H Oil PINS d l P Housing Trans control lever 4 022 Grille Body rear engine 1 266 wiring j 2480 H0 l 9 Y Cl9 ll 1l9l ll i 9 709 Grille Cowl side 16 551 g R 2 80 Housing v Flywheel l Grille cowl lop veulllqlor I l0 30 3 lsi s 1 r 8 845 clutch 0 683 Grille Engine compt front panel 12 971 Harness any Healer ignition HT l 9 Y R h P1 l 2 705 S Grommet 9 775 wiring l l AA 8 840 P I 6 803 Grommet Clutch cable 0 854 Hamas uuyn Starling ignitj0 g 5g5 H l y Sl mg g r Grommet Crankcase ventilator to switch 8 798 H i g s Y T u 1 p d tube 1 745 Harness assy W S wiper diI t1 ig 1 l mp 2 680 Grommet Distr hsg terminal 2 401 1 t01 10 163 16 065 Hub E gm b1 w r puu Y 1 O62 Grommet Door hinge V l A l A I A A l Hqrnggg unit Wiring l Hub Front Grommet Front Hocr l I V i l l l Head Cyh dgr 4 Hub TIGR C1u1 1 A Grcmmetl Gus feed I l Hgqd unit Cylindgr Hub GSSY FIOH1 wheel gmmmell Gu heals 8845 A Head assy Gearshift reverse 4 303 I Grommet Hydraulic brake 4 685 H d Y SP d m l 4 339 Grommet mu panel door 10252 Headlamp assembly 2 725 Inlet assy Heater defroster 9 779 G Ommsll shock absorber 3gg Headlining assy 14 640 Insert Carb main well 3 734 Gmmmell Side und lute Headlining material 1 15 500 Insert Engine compt door 12 579 mediqte body side 16 157 Heater Gasoline with defroster 8 845 Insert Hinge bolt 8 016 Grommet Stqrting motor field HGIQQOB hut 8 915 Insert W S wiper blade 10 146 16 065 frame 2 102 Hinge Battery access door 16 548 Instrument panel 16 080 Grommet Steering gear jacket 6 758 Hinge Engine compartment cover 12 579 Insulator Ammeter 2 521 3 1981 conwun nnrs CATALOG hevrolet Motor Division A 7 General Motors Corporation