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<- Transmission - Brakes Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 31 May 1966
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60 66 ALL CLIP control extension wire assy 3781536 1 30 65 66 Ser 60 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL w 15 16000 lb axle Air Brake CLIP control wiring to engine harness K 65 66 Ser 60 80 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL tachometer drive shaft cab floor tachometer and speedo drive shaft left frame 23813180 A R 20 65 66 Ser 60 80 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL Air Brake CLIP shift switch cable to island panel 65 Ser 80 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL front support and parking brake lever w 18500 lb axle p to island panel 24031610 1 25 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w 15 16000 lb axle 65 Ser 80 4 cyc DIESEL W 18500 CLIP rr axle shift rr cable at shift lb axle motor 23590580 1 10 65 66 Ser 60 80 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL CABLE ASSY rr axle shift switch to w Air Equip H D wiring junction 29825750 1 2 75 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w Air Equip exc TILT 17000 lb axle 65 Ser 60 LCF 4 cyc DIESEL CABLE ASSY rr axle shift switch to exc H D wiring 17000 lb axle junction 2982691 l 4 50 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w Air Equip exc 17000 lb axle 65 Ser 60 LCF 4 cyc DIESEL CABLE ASSY two spd rr axle motor to exc H D wiring 17000 lb axle frame ground wire 29829170 1 60 65 66 Ser 60 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL H D Wiring Air Equip 65 Ser 80 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 18500 lb axle w H D Wiring BLOCK ASSY shift wiring junction 22527760 1 1 85 65 Ser 60 80 4 cyc DIESEL exc SCREW trans gear shift lever ball and TDM axle shift switch 19405370 1 17 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w Air O RING control motor switch assy Equip exc TDM term screw Eaton 52505 24110880 2 08 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation 709 HDT REVISED MAY 1 1966