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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |

NOTE To insure receipt of proper material kindly submit sample and indicate model description and trim COMI binalion numlber See Yardage Cmrte pages lI2 I5 1225 53 54 1037D cush and backs front an l rr bolsters and tacings 53 54 1067D r 4 buck bolster top boot etc comb 258 259 265 268 269 365 366 368 4191811 A H 14 70 yd 882 53 54 1037D drs center and jpartial upper 53 54 1067D dr and qtrs center 54 1011WA door inserts side wings 54 10l1WD 69WD doors lower and rt section comb 256 266 333 863 376 4197522 A R 8 55 yd 513 53 54 1037D drs center and partial upper 53 54 1067D drs and qtrs ce r1ter 54 101 1WA door inserts side wings 54 1011WD 69WD doors lwr and rt section comb 257 267 31 0 332 364 3 67 4197519 ILE 8 55 yd 513 54 1011W 69W rr dr ctr Alrt dr partzldl comb 304 4208929 A R 8 55 yd 513 54 l0l1WD 69WD drs lwr and rt comb 309 4208949 AR 11 05 yd 663 SPECIAL NOTE Embossed yardage ori 1955 models not sold sep u2 tely ir1 cissemblies only 55 1011 19 37 exc 11A 11D 19ll C1 C3 drs ctr upr und lwr dr comb 503 light blue 53 wide 4241517 AB 8 55 yd 513 55 1011A 11D 19D B cushions and bclcks comb 508 513 549 55 1037D B1 B2 rt and rr bolzsters and facings comb 256 259 350 365 366 55 1064 F door wincllace comb 545 552 55 1067 Bl E back holsters dud top boot comb 265 268 269 361El ivory 50 wide 4209911 A H 14 85 yd 891 55 1011A B2 B3 C C2 rt seat lback cmd side drs upr and lwr comb 506 55 1011D 19D B3 C C3 drs upr and lwr seul side pnls comb 509 55 1062F 63F Al ctr pillar insert comb 514 55 1062DF A1 C C3 ctr pillar drs upr cmd lower comb 518 light blue 53 wide 4241500 A R 10 45 yd 4527 REVISED JANUARY I 1959