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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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COMMElRCZlA L BODY IVIODIEL IDE NlTIlTICA ll ION 1956 una Job No Hlody Style W B Mlodul Cmp Style 506 3104 Pi ck up M 114 3B Q l Dbl 117 3124 Sub Piclvup 114 3A M1 Dbl 508 23204 P Lck u p 123 3B 5 l Dbl 508 3604 P icl up 123 J 3E 9 T Dbl S10 3804 Pick up 135 3G 1 l Dbl 175 3105 Panel 1 14 3Pl MT Sql 181 3805 Pannal 135 3G l Sql 179 31 16 Suburban Carryall w End Gate 114 3ll l Sql 17 1 3106 Eiuburban Corryall w Doc 1 s 1 14 31 2 MT Sql 335 I3609 Platform and Stake Rack 123 315 MT Dbl 336 3809 Platform and Stake Rack 135 3CEl l I Dbl 337 4109 l 1atic rrn and Stake Rock 130 4A EI MT Dbl 338 4409 l 1aIfc rm and Stake Hack 154 411 ZI lY Dbl 337 6109 1a fc rm and Starke Rack 130 61 2 l Dbl 338 6400 IP1 lf0rm and Stake Rack 154 GE ZZT Dbl Unit Job Na Body Style W B IM 1ile l Zfmp Style 506 3104 Pick up 1 14 EU Dbl 1 17 3124 Sub Pic k up l 14 El MQT Dbl 844 3204 Pick up 123 313 QT Dbl 844 3604 Pick up 1223 3lEZ MT Dbl 510 3804 Pick up 135 ENE l I Dbl 761 310 5 Pa ncl 1 14 3 wFl P l Sql 777 3805 Panel 135 SH3 l 1 Sql 099 311 6 Suburban Carryall w End Gate 114 21 1 9 1 Sql 769 3106 Suburban Carryall w Do0rs 114 3lEZ l Sql 335 3609 Platform and Stoker Rack 123 li ZZZEZ HT Dbl 336 3809 Platform and Stake Rack 135 3G 1T Dbl 337 4109 Platlorm and Stakes Rack 132 4Il 1 T Dbl 33E 4409 Platform and Stakes Rack 156 Bi 411 1 MQT Dbl 337 610 9 Platform and Stake Rack 132 4511 ZT Dbl 338 6409 Platform and Stake Rack 156 515 2T Dbl 19518 umu Job No Body Style W B M lel Z p Style 045 3104 Pi l up 114 3A Qi Dbl 11Y 3124 Sub Pick up 114 311 Dbl 04fEl 3204 Piclaup 123 313 Ml Dbl 048 3604 Pi l up 123 l l 5115 il l Dbl 05 3804 Pi 1 up 135 EMG l Dbl 619 3105 Panel 1 14 EMA MT Sql 62I 3805 Panel 135 EMG 1T Sql 625 31 1 6 Suburban Carryall VV End Gate 1 14 25 11 T Sql 623 3106 Suburban Carryall VI D ors 114 EELA fl Sql 335 3609 Platform and Slaka Rack 1 23 M ECE MT Db 33 5 3809 Platform and Stake Rack 1 35 FIG ll Dbl 33 IZ 4109 Platform and Stake Rack l32 95 Ml l 1 Dbl 3311 4409 Plalrforzn and Stake Rack l56 4 lB 1 Dbl 337 6109 Plawlform and Stake Rack Zl32 li HA 2T Dbl 333 6409 Platform and Stake Rack 156 SEP ZT Dbl 125 fl