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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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I I I SU PPLI E2MEN I IAIR Tf DATA I As an additional convenience this section includes I charts ot the more active parts t gIether with other information consolidated for quick rezaterence I This data supplements the regular parts listing still I shown in the usual group lo ation and the chart or table form used will serve to tacilitatze the finding of I parts Use at the dimensional and oI hIer distinguishing I data will pixfovide a means ol identiitying mixed stock matching parts from submitted samples etc INDIEHI Title Page No MAIOR PASSENGER FRONT AND REAR END PARTS 1308 MA OR TRUIZIK FRONT END PARTS I 1317 PASSENGER FRONT DOOR LOCK HANDLE AND PARTS 132O I REAR COMPAR 1 MEN I HANDLE AND LOCKING PARTS 1321 I MAIOR EXHAUST SYSTEM PARTS 1322 GENERATOR C I IAR 1 1 1331 BEARING CHART 1336 CONV 1 OL D1INTG TOP MOTOR AND PUMP CHART 1344 TRIM MOULZDINIGS AND ATTACHING PARTS 1345 PAINT COMZBIISIIATION CHART 1364 TWO TONE CICILOR COMBINATIONS 1 1 1 1368 TRIM COMBINATION CHART 1373 IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS I 1377 PARTS HISTORY INDEX 1399 NOTE Inclucles Heavy Duty and Low Cab Forward Ilruczk Daata I I 1307