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NEW PARTS OR ACCESSORIES RETURNED FOR CREDIT Instructions for Dealers A New material which a dealer desires to return for D Ship the material PREPAID to General Motors Parts credit is of four general classifications Division Warehouse to which the dealer normally 1 MATERIAL RETURNABLE UNDER 30 DAY RETURN l d h p d CLAUSE OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING MA E Retain the number 4 copy of PC 659 as dealer record TERIAL ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ERROR of ghipmgnf 2 DEFE Tl E N R C V EW PA TS With return goods shipped in error by GMPD the dealer 3 DEFECTIVE NEW ACCESSORIES may attach original transportation receipts to the Nos 1 and 4 SURPLUS STOCK 2 copies of PC 659 and credit for transportation expense Parts and Accessories should be written on separate PC 659 wm be w d application for Authorization to Return New Material Parts or Accessories of only one of the above classifications should be c Defective New Pulte written on one application When items ot more than one classi fi li0 me O be 1 lu1 d P 1 t PP iC ti0 1 1d be 1 New parts found to be defective before installation has used W h 91 0 P occurred will be returned by the dealer to the Parts Ware All material ot classifications l or 4 to be returned is to be in house on Form PC 659 new cmd Sqluble C ndm n The following information should appear on PC 659 B Material returnable under 30 day return clause af A Cm Divisum with which dealer is Contmctedl selling agreement including material ordered or shipped B Z Office Address in error C Warehouse Location D D t l It is necessary in order to properly identity returned parts G T I d dd or accessories and thereby expedite the issuance of credit E Dea er S name an Q wss to the dealer s account that torm PC 659 be prepared by F Nclure Oi defect the dealer in four copies at the time the materials are being G Name ot part returned By showing the required information on this form H Quantity to be returned it not only serves as a packing slip to identify the shipment I Peekrrre Slip Number but also as an invoice from the dealer to Chevrolet Motor U W h d r Division for the materials returned thereby facilitating the are ous mcewe mm prompt issuance of credit to the dealer s account K Dute Recewedi L R t t PC ess Simms show S I Ie um A Cer Division with which dealer is Contracted The completed application in four copies is to be mailed to the General Motors Parts Division Warehouse B Zone Office address C Warehouse Laaauau The numbers 3 and 4 copies ot the application will be re D Dete turned to the dealer showing disposition to be made of goods E Dealer s name and address On receipt of these documents the dealer will handle the F part Number return of items coded R in accordance with procedure G Neme of peri outlined in Paragraph B 2 A C D E H Quantity to be returned I packing Sur Number 2 New parts found to be detective after installation are to be D Wereheuse received rem iicifidled on GSD 17 Application for Policy Adjustment as K Date Received O CWS L R S0 Or return Any failure of replacement service parts after having been placed in the car will be handled on GSD 17 Application 2 when Ietummg m t l Shipment h d be mud s tor Policy Adjustment in the same manner as if the part had f H ws been installed in production A E12 E v Ch part with GSB 43l Return Goods The following information should appear on GSD 17 l Quantity A Car serial number 2 Part Number B Mileugei 3 Description C Date new part was originally installed Use space 4 PC 659 Number captioned Date ot Delivery for this information B Meir 1 cmd 2 copies or PC 659 re Genera Motors D Date labor was performed in replacing detective new Parts Division Warehouse to which dealer normally pur A forwards his parts orders E Repair mcler number C Pack goods carefully for sate shipment using the Noi F Rcutim Of mulermh 3 copy of PC 659 application as a packing slip G Date of application 54