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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

I958 IMPALA I96ZZ 6S EESIEL AIR A Iiemlliiiinrg JI1l I lll1 I IH I S A Headlining and Surishades B Front and Roar Cushions and I3arl Pui tial B iF mi1i amil Rear Cushions and Back Partial FEI Ciistiiorit and Brick I HL IH1 Z E S I3 CTn I i i t ris and Back Facings C Doors and Fuzirters L n er D Back of Hacks 1 I ooi s and Qiiartors Up1 er E Door Arm Rests C2 Dnors and Qwarters Ccriler Il I3 IiI Z lI L1i I S DI Rear Qu irt r Rear IE Door Arm Rinsts E1 Quarter Arrr Rest Top I959 6I BISCAYNE BROOKWOOD FEL CIAMINO I i 2 65 lBI S lZ AYNE A Ileaidliniritg A le a I lir ii ii and Sunshades IB Front and Roar C ushi ns and Bat ks Partial B Cuishionss and Backs B1 ushioris and Back Faisinggs B1 Cushions and Back Facings Partial C Doors and Quartgrs Uppr r C Door and Quarters Upper 1965 D Barak ol Barks D Back oil l3acI s IE I o rrA1 ui Rests E Door Anti Rests 1959 5 1 BEL AIR FIARKWOOD K l l3i5 tV 00D 11 1 5 1ivi1 i A A llcmlllmillg A H aClI ui1rx g and Sunshades A1 Sunshatlos Hel Air B Frh l lT md ROM 1u hi mQ am BM kwwpawial I3 C usniori and Backs Pattem A i i B1 Front and Rear Cushions and Backs Partia1 III ushi ns and Barrk I ln 1TIlZ A L Doors ai i d Quarters Upper L Doors and uai 1 urs Upp r I2 Back oi Backs D Back ut Bavks F Dqm Arm Rcqc IDI Rear Qt1art r Rt zir tjparl won I i 7 DZ jenlcr Pillar Bel Air IL l or Arm Rests F1 Quarter Arm Rest I op Be Air l vOTE In insure rettnirit of r r 1 nr iratorizil l intt v sul mitsarn1 le zintl lnilieate model tnsr ii1 tion anti trnn ornlJlnzition nurnhtw 15 500 UPHOLSTERY CLOTI I Seat Cushion arid Sideiwall See Yardage Code preceding giroup 15 5400 NOTE To insure receipt of prcrier material kindly submit siiminle and inriii ate model rteseripiioii and trim comlnrtation numher Sei Yardage Code l C Ill I l group 15 500 Yziirlziue node illustrations are locator in the Passenger Botiy section ol the Illustration Catalog 58 liisarzzivne Brockvvood 18 ll21 7374l5 rriieri gold pzitlern cushions and hacks lcomh 844 845 AR 63 64 Corvette l Ii82724l3 YD 9 75 red seat cushion hack tacings hack vvrnrl trim cover A R 64 Bi l Air Sed 18 l 2 24953 YD 15 35 rnoil hlues 1 1at 2rn rr cushions and hacks oml 839 lvvicltli 52 E5 A R 64 l Ol L B ZEl8 I 3108 YD 10 55 silver cotton Jaynthetit resin coated hack vvintt trim mover seat hack cushion tacings A R 64 Corvette EI8lEi42 58 YD 10 05 vvhita cotton eeivnthetic resin coated seat hack cushion lziuings A R 65 Bel Air Seri B I 2j2 639 0 YD 15 55 rniizd lilun nzitiierii iiusltrons anti liactks loonilr 839 A R 65 8isit iynt lexri Sta ag B lI226422 4 YD 17 60 lt lavvn rasitti in cushions and l m l s litoinl 860 A R 65 66 Capnrze 1Spt l lrl s I 2267918 YD 20 75 l at patrerri cusliions and haisks trcomh 817 818 A R 65 66 Cwnriite Sm l lrilsl I2 2El5 7 B7 YD 20 75 hlue pattern ixushrons and hacks tcomh 834 843 A R 66 Ri i aviii text Sta lJ RQ lB fI22 7lB67 YD 17 15 moiil fawn 1 4 iltorii cushions and liaeks ioomlr 860 A R 66 Risi rviii exc Sta V agi lB 4227668 YD 17 15 mecl hlue I i Kl 3l l cushions and lizii l s ltzomli 840 A R 66 Eiisicavmz lexct Sto agi ll3 4227669 YD 17 15 metl red itzittnrn rcusliions and hacks tournli 876 A R 66 Bel Air lucxrt Sita ag B 4227672 YD 20 00 mud lavvn pattern cushions and hacks l ZOlTIl 863 AR 66 Rel Air text Sta Vagli B 4227673 YD 20 00 rried hlue pattern cushions and hacks teornln 839 AR 66 Bel Air text Sita Vag1 KB 42227674 YD 20 00 meet red r at1 2 irn cushions zinrl hacks tcomli 872 AR 66 Bel Air l a Sta V ag1 IB 4227675 YD 20 OO inurl tiitmiuoisr pattern rziisltions and hacks loornli 850 A R 66 lnipalri text Conv Sta 1 ag1 QB 4227676 YD 20 O0 It l j1wn 11 ii ti i n cushions and lnacks tcomlw 866 A R 1 E t5S3 Cl lE R LEEI MOTOR DIVISION GlZNER AL l IOTORS CORRORA TlON REV 7 1 69 P 15 51 15 492 15 500