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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971
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FRA V E SPR NGS BUMPER 1967 69 FFC Cowl Ventilator 9 15P 72 BBC Rear Cab Mounting 9 16P 2 and 2 1 2 Ton Frames 7 1F 72 BBC Front Cab M u ri 9 Adiusri ble 196071 Tilt ceo Frame and Brackets 7 2P Tersieh Bar 9 171 1961 62 Double Duty Chassis 7 3P 1963 71 Double Duty Chassis 7 3P INTERIOR AND PANELS 1957 59 Tandem Truck Chassis F ront 7 4P 1956 Low Cab Forward 7 000 Series 16 1 P 1956 59 Tandem Rear Suspension 7 5P 1957 2 1 2 Ton Truck Series 10403 16 1 P 1960 71 Tandem Rear Suspension 7 6P 1955 57 Low Cab Forward lnterior 16 2P 1960 71 2 and 2 1 2 Ton Rear Suspension 7 7P 1958 59 Low Cab Forward 7 000 Series 16 2P 1966 71 92 BBC Front Spring 7 8P Series 60 Tilt Cab 16 3P 1966 71 92 BBC Rear Spring With Torque Rod 7 8P 1961 Series 60 Viking 16 3P Timken Tandem Axle SLHD and SOHD Rear 1962 Series 60 Truck 16 4P Spring Seat and Torque Rod s 7 9P 1963 Series 60 Truck 16 4P Page and Page Rear Suspension 7 10P 1961 66 Series 80 Diesel 16 5P 1955 59 Truck Wheel Carrier Assembly 7 11P 1964 66 Series 60 Truck 16 5P 1960 66 Series 50 thru 80 Wheel Carrier 196669 Series 70 000 80 000 Truck 16 6P Assembly 7 12P 1967 69 Series 40 50 60 Truck 16 7P 1969 71 Step Van Front Bumper Mounting 7 13P 1967 69 Series 50 Tilt Cab 16 8P 1970 71 Series 40 50 60 Truck 16 9P 1970 71 Series 50 Tilt Cab 16 10P SHEET METAL HEATER 1957 Truck Windshield Wiper 16 11P 1958 59 Truck Electric Windshield Wiper 16 11P 1957 Conventional Truck From End Windshield Wiper Linkage 16 12P exploded 8 ir W hdeh eld Weeher er le 195869 Conventional Truck Front End 1960 66 Tilt Cab Windshield Wiper and Washer 16 12P Exploded is 2i 1969 52 Trdek Wihdehield Wieer Merer ehd 1958 59 Low Cab Forward Front End Exploded 8 3P L ka9 1643 1960 62 Truck Front End Exploded 6 1P 957 C V9 1l9lle Truck Cab Fiellt 11991 1963 65 1 reels Front End Exploded 8 5P V 915 E 9 d 15 14P 1966 68 Troels Front Sheet lvletal 92 Bac 6 6F 1957 C W9l1 l l19 Tlllek Ceb Fleer 1991 1967 68 1 reels Series 40 50 60 Front Sheet V 9 el EX d9d 16 15P lvletal Exploded 6 vp 1959 59 LeW Ceh Ferhlerd Beer Sheer Merel 1969 71 Troels Series 40 50 60 Front End Sheet E l d9d 16 16F e lvlerseexploeee s er 1959 59 Lew Cel FerWerd E leded 16 171 1960 62 Truck Deluxe Heater Assembly 8 9P 1960 63 C B t aI Truck Cab Sheet 1960 62 Truck Recirculating Heater and Hoses 8 1 OP M ta E p d d 16 18P 1967 71 Truck Heater Wiring Distributor 1960 71 TIIIZ Cab ASSSITIDIGCI 16 19P andljucts 8 11p TiltCabBody 16 2OP 1960 71 Tilt Cab Deluxe Heater Assembly 8 12P 196071 Tut Cab Rea Sheer Metal 16 21P 1964 66 Conventional Truck Cab Sheet Metal Exploded 16 22P BODY MOUNTING AIR CONDITIONING 1967 71 Conventional Truck Cab Sheet Metal Exploded 16 23P 1955 56 Air Conditioning Compressor and 1957 59 Conventional Truck Door Interior PulIey ExpIoded 9 1 P View ExpIoded 16 24P 1957 58 Air Conditioning Compressor and 1957 59 Conventional Truck Door Exterior Pulley ExpIoded 9 2P View Exp oded 16 25P 1959 61 Air Conditioning Compressor and 1960 63 Conventional Cab Door ExpIoded 16 26P Pu ley Exp od d 9 3P 1960 63 Panel Rear Door Lock and Striker 1962 69 Air Conditioning Compressor ExpIoded 9 4P Typical 16 27P 1965 66 Series 10 thru 60 A C Duct Bezel 1960 71 Tilt Cab Door Strikers and Access Heater and Adapter 9 5P Covers 16 28P 1965 66 Series 10 thru 60 A C Selector 1964 71 Truck Door Exc Tilt Exploded Evaporator and Distributor 9 6P Typical 16 29P 1965 Series 50 60 Air Conditioning Condenser Tilt Cab Door Exploded 16 30P Dehydrator and Support 9 7P 1960 61 Dash Mats and Floor Insulator 16 31P 1965 66 Series 10 thru 60 283 327 A c 1960 71 Tilt cao Ventilator Door 16 32P Compressor Mounting 9 8P 1967 71 Cab Side Cowl Ventilator 16 33P 1967 71 Truck A C Controls and Cables 9 9P 1967 71 FFC Cowl Ventilator 16 33P 1967 71 Truck Air Conditioning Heater and 1961 66 Tilt Cab Interior Typical 16 34P Ducts 9 1 OP 1961 66 Truck Cab Interior Typical 16 34P 1967 71 Truck Air Conditioning Air Outlet 1955 Panel Body nterior 16 35P Hoses 9 11P 1954 Truck Instrument Panel 16 36P 1967 71 Truck Air Conditioning Air Shut Off 1964 66 Truck Instrument Panel 16 37P Valve and Brackets 9 12P 1960 63 Truck Instrument Panel Typical 16 37P 1967 71 Truck Air Conditioning Compressor 1967 Cab Instrument Panel Details 16 38P Mounting Fan and Pulleys 9 13P 1955 59 Cab Seat AssembIy Exploded 16 39P 1967 71 Truck Air Conditioning Condenser 1958 59 Level Ride Seat 16 40P A Receiver and Evaporator 9 14P 1969 71 Truck Front Seat s 16 41P 1967 70 Cab Side Cowl Ventilator 9 15P 1960 66 Tilt Cab Auxiliary Seat Details 16 42P 197 1 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31 S REV 5 71 191