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T C C E ELE C RAPH I OD lVlPR4 DL l C I S J ji 11 i i il 1 1 1 2 3 4 I Ei 6 7 8 9 O d dist li bet ee w rds that the key letter should be written consecutively as one word dillztidgargieldlgilrlllgltllllose tllgiudi lzrsot ictll0u r ry words regardless oi the tuuamber of drgrts or letters as gurte frequently taken from the En lish German French Italian Dutch lPor tu the secxueium of rwowels and consonants pro uce dictionary guese Spanish or iatin languzges willlbe zouutedi as one word words t1er eloy redulcrngg the word count t fl I d t t t teen to any Zllcllhdrlftlggglrllgntioncdiilltlhnguagbss will nrillge donsidered as the numbers anti their code demratrves possess no inherent dictionary words and will be rated as one word or every five significance q ual rfn atron must be either stated or implied rn letters or fraction of five letters In the formation of a number the context EXAMPLES 64530 is transcribed DRDPS As tlxis wor d is a dictionary i 544S23K7is transcriilhed CORIQOMPU This isadictionary word word it rates as one word French and altbiorrgh rt contains eight letters rt ratesasone word 68021 is transcribed DCSMG This Word is not a dictionary word but is within the five letter count for auch words and is tr an scri bed GGMROC This rs not a dictionary word thereby entitled to a one word rating lt is lrmrtecl to a five letter count per word Rated as two words E Z Y DlE ZlMAL POINT lUl lCZODED PREFIIX l DASH Intercalation of the letter E into any code numeral indicates a numbers by divisions using a significant part number system decimal point Example DCEM0 6lI 25 or tgsrnirred word glgessages whlere tlae context and the uncoded lntercalation of the letter Z between the code f0l it lllilmb if ftild 5 IEE I llt fa n0 Scug eo cs14l 00 gGc II f16Bg t suflixed letters shall signify that the letter or letters follown qgqgtgg igummm of Y f0u0ws theaz lactually letters and not coded digits Example 676 The 1 tt Y H cod d t f dash It h s or rs its e esrgna ron or a as no 4 other signihcance and its intercalation between the letters of a The letter Z prenxed to a code word indicates that the letter or coded word signizlies the letters following are coded digits It letters following it are not coded digits Applications oif this is peculiarly apjplicable to the codiiication of r ht and left lhand provision are rare and limited to transmission oi significant partnumbers Elrrarnple PGGOGMYP 311 3 PHRASE CODE PHRASE PREIFVIJX l A large volume of telegraphic correspondencfetimstifiles the use of Coding for transmission is eHected by prefixing the coded serial codedl phrases Common gilhrases of gene application and numbers with a ph rs seTp reiix XL for three digit serials and X special phrases of limited visional use are tabulated on the for four digit rreirials e code word thereby formed will in all following pages with serial numbers and code designations cases contain five letters Examples We acknowledge our Order Nc 658 l5Ill is transcribed as XLPPD DOCTOM h0w C mm lY d Ph 8 m mb9 d With Mare Shglt 1 on your invoice the material of which these parts are composed numbers phrases of limited application with four digit numbers is tm m mb d M xq sG 423 n I 7