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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

l 1 i lu M E L Cablrzssegnbly 00 B I l 1 3 DY PARTS SE C l l ll N l 1 Six and liiglrt Cylinder M0 l als l tl 38 1963 l NOTE Parts for special models or body assemblies not of Chevrolet maiiuloczture should be ordered Doors l direct from the manufacturer whose name appears on the Body Name Plate Parts for special 1 16 150 conversions made after the vehicle has been delivered by Cnevirolet Motor Division should also j be ordered direct from the rrianufacturer involved m I I KEY TO SYMBOILS The usage of parts listed in this section is desiigmcnted either by job numbers chassis symbols or model abbrevicitions s Zh r wn below l D 6 69 s CAB BODIES Including Cab Over Engine Hill e FEC CAB l CAB OVER ENGINE COE l SINGLE UNIT BODIES Panels Canopy Express 1 Suburban Carryall 3105 06 16 3805 C1405 06 16 1l 1i Z1 5 y l K1405 06 16 SGL UNIT SUBURBAN CARIRYALL BODY 3106 16 C1 406 16 lltl 406 16 SUZB s ls susrmszm cAmnYAr r sour with rmi A y Gatte 3116 C1416 K1 416 SU W END GATE 1 SUBURBAN CARIRYALL BODY with Panel l Doors 3106 C14t06 H11406 SUE W DOORS 1 SUBURBAN PICK UP Cameo Carrier 3124 SUB PICK UP T PANEL BODY 3105 3805 C1405 3605 K1405 PANEL Trim l DOUBLE UNIT BODIES With Cab and Separate lllody p 6 7 5 f 3104 24 3204 3604 09 3804 09 4109 4409 C1404 34 15 l 4t 34 2504 09 34 33604 019 K1404 34 1504 34 2504 34 DBL UNIT n PLAIN CHASSIS LESS WINDSHIELD 3102 3602 3801 m l 41012 4402 4502 C1 402 12502 3602 FJFC or I I i T FACE COWL e PLAIN CHASSIS WITH WINDSHIELD 31l Z ItI61Z S 1 U t B d I 381 2 4112 441z c1 41z zs1z as1z tucowr with w s 9 Pm Y n SMOOTH SIDE PICK UP 3104 3204 3604 C1434 15341 i1 F 534 mts n K14124 1524 2524 r r r r r srnr y 11 11 1 17 23 SJERIIES 30001 SER 3 ALL ABOVE MODELS ALL W E N DTE COE discontinued after lst Ser 1955 Production l See Commercial Body Modtel Identification Sheet on Next Paggie for Iob Numbers l End Gate and Clhassis Symbols Suburban Carryall Body Parts for the jyears 193B 63 are now sg Unit Body j being listed in the Parts and Accessories Catalog along with comparable I 17 185 1 parts Body parts whi ch aire common to Suburban Carzryaillr F nels and Canopy I Express may be found listed as Single Unit or under c orr esp nding Commercial i I Body Types QUZIZCK REFERENCE INJDEX Dh Unit Body Drive r s compartment parts Incl Cab 16 00 0 16 802 1 P 1 1 S W l Single Unit Double Unit 17 405 17 804 1 Load compartment parts as follows Bodies Bodies Platform cmd Sills 17 0 il 17 030 17 405 17 447 mmm Top r l Y O Ei O j Body Front End l7 455 l 1 Body Sides r 17 11 0 2l 5O 17 500 17 524 End t Body Rear Emi 17 560 1 1 1 1 11 B 1Y I End am 17 1esas 1 1 a 21z 17 615 17 625 17 615 19621 A M 3 3 Z 1 1