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Part Number Replacements and Supersessions 80TS-RP September 1979 |
Quantities shown in the Use column indicate number of pieces required of the new replacing part or parts When old part number is listed as replaced by assembly ASIVI or ASSY in the Use column refer to parts book to determine the assembly part number that meets your vehicle s require ments When old part number is listed as replaced by Details in the Use column refer to parts book or components parts book for list of details Part Numbers listed in the Use column may or may not appear in the current Master Parts Price List New additions made since previous publications are indicated by a bullet Code D preceding the Detroit Diesel Allison engine part number in the Old Part number column are eligible for the return plan Code lVlW preceding the new number indicates lVlix with and sell under new number Rework means that the new part must be cut to fit CT L means cut to length Pro Loc means procure locally Pro Car PDG means Procure from Carline Parts Distribution Centers RP52 covers all part number replacements and supersessions prior to June 1947 RP67 covers all part number replacements and supersessions from June 1947 through 1966 8OTS RP covers all part number replacements and supersessions from 1967 through August 1979 BOTS RP supplements cover all changes after August 1979 Each supplement is complete and replaces the previous supplement NQIE In some cases part number replacements when listed at the bottom of a page could be continued at the top of the next column or the following page Always check for complete parts information