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1969 COIL SPRINGS A new system for release of front and rear coil springs will be used for the 1969 A B F and X cars The assembly plants will use a computer to determine the correct spring based on the RPO equipment on the dealer order lt will also be put on an engineering drawing to Nlaintain engineering records Determination of the correct spring by dealer personnel will be as follows 1 lf the identification tag is still on the spring liable A will give the part number 2 lf the identification tag is not available it will be necessary to add the weight for all the RPO equipment on the vehicle This is shown on Table A Only RPO s with 5 lbs or more are given l 3 After the extra weight of the vehicle is determined Table C shows the identification letters of the required spring These letters are used with Table B to determine the part number Exampha A l 3646 Concours 4 Door Station Wagon with dual action tail gate is equipped with the following Weight to add mm Rear EQ 196 46 L35 V8 Engine 396 Cu In 325 HP 23 9 Nl40 3 Speed Automatic Transmission 1 2 7 A33 Electric Tail Gate Window 30 0 N40 Power Steering i 14 V55 Luggage Carrier Total 249 76 NOTE Some options have negative value and must be subtracted instead of added 1 The weights were obtained froim Table B 2 Table C for this model shows the spring requirement Standard Springs front 249 requires spring GO rear All use spring BB Heavy Duty Springs front 249 requires spring GW rear All use spring BG 3 Table A would then be used to convert to part numbers and the customers requirements would be as follows Front Rear Standard Springs lGOl3952812 lBBl3949015 Heavy Duty Springs lGWl3952818 lBGl3949006 The use of this system will present two additional advantages Customer request of upgrading springs due to trunk loads etc can be easily accomplished lf there is a question of improper springs installed on the car it can be easily checked 1971 CHEVROLET ivioroe oivisiom GENERAL iviorons corieoimriow P A 3OA REV 2 71 7 39 7 503A 7 503A