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ALPHABETICAL INDEX CARPET ASM Rear 4 4 4 4 4 4 I6 B50 DOOR Seat Separator r rr r r rr I6 650 CARPET ASM Side Panel Trim r rr I6 850 DOOR WELDING Back rrr r r r rr rr rr r I6 160 CARPET ASM Center I6 B50 DOOR WLDG ASM Front and Side Door 16 I50 CARPET MATERIAL Yardage I6 B50 CASE ASM Back and Side Doors 15 330 J CASE Instrument Panel Compartment 15 110 CATCH Back and Side Doors 15 330 E CATCH Engine Cover 16 549 CATCH Instrument Panel Compartment 16 I I0 CAULKING KIT Windshield 16 040 EMBLEM Door Trim Panel 16 166 CHANNEL ASM Side Door Glass Sash 16 190 EMBLEM Seat Separator 16 650 CHANNEL Door Window Glass Parts Formerly ESCUTCHEON Body Footman Assist 16 450 in this group are now in group 16 190 16 200 ESCUTCHEON Body Roll Over 16 560 CHECK ASM Door Check Retaining 16 437 ESCUTCHEON Door Lock Remote Control CLAMP Engine Cover 16 549 Inside 16 345 CLAMP Seat Bottom or Back 16 715 ESCUTCHEON Door Window Glass Upper and CLIP Back Door Vertical Lock 16 332 Sides 16 181 CLIP Door Hanging 16 320 ESCUTCHEON Front Door Ventilator 15 176 CLIP Door Lock Remote Control Inside 16 345 ESCUTCHEON Instrument Panel Compartment 15 110 CLIP Door Lock Remote 16 341 ESCUTCHEON Seat Separator 15 650 CLIP Door Remote Lock I6 157 ESCUTCHEON Window Regulator 16 270 CLIP Door Trim Panel I6 166 EXTENSION ASM Engine over I6 549 CLIP Front and Rear Door Outside Handle 16 353 EXTENSION Body Side Asm 16 570 CLIP Front and Side Door Lock I6 335 EXTENSION Cowl Side I6 551 CLIP Instrument Panel I6 090 EXTENSION Dash and Toe 16 550 CLlP nstrument Panel 16 081 EXTENSION Floor 16 545 CLIP Roof Drip 16 642 EXTENSION Front Body Hinge Rear Door CLIP Seat I6 714 Hinge Body Side 16 507 CLIP Side Door Opening I6 225 EXTENSION Instrument 16 080 CLIP Sunshade I6 070 CLIP Windshield Washer 6 Pump I6 055 CLUTCH Door and End Gate Window 16 260 COIL ASM Windshield Wiper Motor 16 064 F COM PARTMENT Instrument Panel Compartment 16 100 COMPARTMENT Seat Separator 16 650 FASTENER Back Door 16 227 CONTACT ASM Back and Side Doors 15 330 FASTENER Door Inside Trim 16 155 CONTACT Power Window Power Door Locks 16 253 FASTENER Rool with Upper Back and Partial CONTAINER Seat 16 714 Pillar Cover 16 585 CONTROL ASM Back and Side Doors 16 330 FASTENER Side Door Opening 16 225 CONTROL ASM Door Lock Remote 16 341 FERRULE Door Remote Lock 16 l57 CONTROLLER UNIT Wiper and Washer FILLER Body Side Scuff Plates 6 Rooker Panels Electrical Parts 16 067 Parts Formerly in this Group are now in COVER Ash 16 120 I6 603 16 790 J COVER ASM Body Footman Assist 16 450 FILLER Door Opening 16 600 COVER ASM Body Side Asm 16 570 FILLER Door Sill 6 Rocker I6 603 COVER Cowl Side 16 551 FILLER FIoor 16 545 COVER Door Hanging 16 320 FILLER Side Door Glass Sash 16 l90 COVER Door Hinge I6 323 FILLER Windshieid 16 040 COVER Door Hinge I6 325 FILTER Windshield Washer 6 Pump 16 055 COVER Door Inside Trim 16 165 FOAM Pad Seat Back 16 720 COVER Door Opening 16 600 FOAM Seat Bottom or Back 16 715 COVER Engine Cover 16 549 FRAME ASM Pad Seat Back 16 720 COVER Inspection 16 547 FRAME Front and Side Door lS 150 COVER lnstrument Panel 16 0Bl FRAME PAD ASM Pad Seat Bank IE 720 COVER Mirror Rear View 15 069 COVER Seat Adiusting Fldg Bench 16 662 COVER Seat Back Trim Fo ding Seat Only 16 724 COVER Seat Bottom or Back 16 7l5 G COVER Seat 15 7 I4 COVER WASHER HANDLE Seat 16 686 COVER Windshield Washer 6 Pump 15 065 GASKET Door Lock I6 328 COVER Windshield Wiper Motor 16 064 GASKET Front Door Ventilator 16 176 CRANK Windshield Wiper Motor 16 054 GASKET Mirror Rear View 16 069 CUP Roof Drip 16 642 GASKET UNIT Front and Rear Door Outside CUSHION ASM Pad Seat Back 16 720 HandIe 16 353 CUSHION ASM Seat Bottom or Back 16 715 GASKET Window Regxlator 16 270 CUSHION UNIT Seat Bottom or Back 16 715 GASKET Windshield asher 6 Pump I6 065 CYLINDER ASM Door Lock 15 328 GASKET Windshield Wiper Motor I6 064 CYLINDER ASM Door and End Gate Window 16 250 GEAR 6 PINION UNIT Door and End Gate CYLINDER ASM Instrument PaneI Window 16 260 Compartment 16 110 GEAR Windshield Wiper Motor 16 054A CYLINDER ASM Seat Separator 16 650 GLASS Body Side Window 16 460 CYLINDER UNIT Door Lock 16 328 GLASS Front Door Ventilator 16 174 GLASS Rear Window 16 464 GLASS Side Door 16 I80 GLASS Windshield 16 005 D GROMMET ASM Door Lock Remote 15 341 GROMMET Door Hinge 16 325 GROMMET Door Remote Lock 16 157 DAMPENER Front and Side Door Lock 16 335 GROMMET Power Window Power Door Locks 16 263 DISC Windshield Wiper Motor 16 064 GROMMET Windshield Washer 6 Pump 16 065 J DOOR Body Side Asm I6 570 GROMMET Windshield Wiper Motor 16 064 DOOR Instrument Panel Compartment I5 I I0 GUARD Door Edge Outside 16 445 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON LT TRUCK 51 INDEX 16 A