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V i 0 000 r ENGINE J CLUTCH V I 000 c00LANT GR LLE OIL SVSTEM 2 000 CHA IS ELEITTRICAL SYSTEM FUEL EXHAUST BO cAR uRETION I G R 4 000 TRANSMISSION SERIES 10 th 35 RA Es 5 000 BRAKES REAR IMPORTANT AXLE ANI DRIVE Q Light Truck vehicles far 1976 thru 1978 contain many parts dimensioned in the metric system These parts are very close in dimension to familiar customary measurements in the inch system lt is important that during FR i xLE any vehicle maintenance procedure replacement fasteners have the same SYEERING measurements as those removed whether metric or customary Mis matched or incorrect fasteners can result in vehicle damage or malfunc tion or possibly personal injury Fastener sizes denoted on illustrations may not reflect metric dimensions FRAMEEL g NGs However since the same vehicle may be built with metric or customary BUWER fasteners care should be exercised in selecting replacement part equiva lent to the original fasteners in dimensions strength and pitch of thread Both metric and customary fasteners required for replacement are listed in the Warehousing and Distribution Division Standard Parts Catalog B5 coco SHEET METAL A special Warehousing and Distribution Division label saying Metric Fas HEATER teners Required in red letters will be used to identify service parts which require metric fasteners but replace parts which originally used inch fas teners This label will enable dealers and over the oounter customers to quickly recognize parts which have changed to metric fasteners 9 000 BODY MTG AIR COND INSTR EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1983 I6 00 GENERAL morons CORPORATION g 51A umn LOAD CARRIER PARTS AREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATl0N LT TRUCK SIA Printed in U S A