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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX BUMPER Bumper Face 4 4 A 7 831 BUZZER Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 BUMPER Door r 4 r 16 400 BUMPER Door Hanging 16 320 BUMPER Door Lock Remote Control Inside 16 345 E BUMPER End Gate CIosing Support 17 225 C BUMPER End Gate Support 17 202 BUMPER Engine Clutch Pedal r 0 829 BUMPER Front Leaf Spring 7 422 CAB Cab Shell 18 000 BUMPER Hood Panel Closing 8 024 CABLE BODY ASM Radio Antenna Fu ed 8 647 BUMPER Instrument Panel Compartment 16 110 CABLE Air Flow Control 8 787 BUMPER PKG Rear Step Group 7 831 21 045 CABLE Battery Positive 2 342 BUMPER Radiator Fan 1 277 CABLE Battery Negative and Engine Ground 2 341 BUMPER Rear Axle 5 395 CABLE Cruise Control 3 880 BUMPER Rear Spring 7 535 CABLE Door and End Gate Upper Guide 16 261 BUMPER Seat 16 674 CABLE Hand Choke with Button Wire and BUMPER Seat Bottom Back J 16 716 Tube 3 480 BUMPER Seat Separator 16 650 CABLE Hood Latch Release 8 075 BUMPER Side Door Glass Sash 16 190 CABLE Parking Brake 4 779 BUMPER Steering Knuckle Upper and Lower CABLE Radio ntenna Fixed 9 647 Control Arm 6 176 CABLE Seat 16 674 BUMPER Upper End Gate 17 190 CABLE Speedometer Flex 4 342 BUSH NG A C Compressor ilntemal Parts 9 172 CABLE Throttle Control 3 430 BUSHING Brake Pedal 4 626 CABLE Transmission Control Indicator 4 020 BUSHING Brake Pressure Regulator 4 680 CABLE Transmission Throttle Valve Control 4 050 BUSHING Bumper 7 829 CAGE Auto Front Axle 6 310 BUSHING Clock 9 772 CALIBRATOI1 Emission Control System 3 670 BUSHING Control Idler Attaching 4 042 CALIPER Wheel Brake 4 665 BUSHING Differential Locking 5 51 1 CAM A C Control 9 278 BUSHING Door and End Gate Electrical 16 263 CAM Auto Front Axle 6 310 BUSHING Door Hinge 16 323 CAM Door and End Gate Upper Guide 16 261 BUSHING End Gate C osing 17 208 CAM Door Hinge 16 323 BUSHING Engine Clutch Pedal 0 831 CAM Front Wheel Locking Hub 6 308 BUSHING Exhaust Manifold Heat 3 647 CAM Fuel Tank Meter 3 107 BUSHING Front Spring Eye 7 413 CAM PLATE Differential Locking 5 511 BUSHING Front Spring 7 524 CAM Seat Bottom Back 16 716 BUSHING Fuel 3 001 CAMSHAFT Engine 0 518 BUSHING Gearshift Hand Lever Housing 4 012 CAM Transmission Shift Shaft Detent 4 311 BUSHING Hood Hinge 8 016 CAM Tum Signal Switch Cancelling 2 896 BUSHING Horn Button Blowing 2 819 CAM Windshield Wiper Washer 16 065 BUSHING Lower Sun Gear and Clutch 4 162 CANISTER ASM Fuel Tank Evaporator BUSHING Manifold to Cylinder Head 3 270 ControliEngine End 3 130 BUSHING Oil Pressure Gage Dash 1 803 CANISTER Fuel Tank Evaporator ComroI Engine Q BUSHING Rear Axle Support and Control Ami 5 381 End N 3 130 BUSHING Rear Main Shaft 4 319 CAP Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Test 8 177 BUSHING Rear Spring 7 504 CAP Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pess 9 198 BUSHING Roof Top and Top Side Panels and CAPACITOR Distributor 2 393 Garnish 16 585 CAPACITOR Generator Output 2 319 BUSHING Seat 16 674 CAPACITOR Heater 8 654 BUSHING Seat Bottom Back 16 716 CAPACITOR Radio Static Suppression 8 663 BUSHING Shock Absorber Frame 7 395 CAP Back Window Glass 16 475 BUSHING Stabilizer Shaft 7 243 CAP Body Side Window 16 460 BUSHING Starter Motor Drive End 2 083 CAP Cab and Load Carrier Outer Side BUSHING Steering Column 6 52l Decoration 17 507 BUSHING Steering Gear Housing 6 786 CAP Crankcase Oil Filler 1 758 BUSHING Steering Idler Arm 6 886 CAP Cruise Control 3 885 BUSHING Steering Knuckle Upper Control Arm 6 164 CAP Distributor 2 367 BUSHING Steering Knuckle King Pin 6 203 CAP Door Hinge 16 323 BUSHING Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm 6 170 CAP Door Lock 16 330 BUSHING Transfer Case 4 520 CAP Early Fuel Evaporation 3 145 BUSHING Transfer Case Shift Control 4 570 CAP End Gate Support 17 202 BUSHING Transmission Planet 4 161 CAP Engine Coolant Pump 1 073 BUSHING Transmission Planet Carrier 4 176 CAP Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 BUSHING Transmission Sun Gear 4 159 CAP Engine Main Bearing 0 095 BUSHING Transmission High Clutch 4 169 CAP Engine Valve Spring 0 308 BUSHING Transmission Rear Ring Gear 4 180 CAP Exhaust Manifold Heater 3 602 BUSHING Transmission Front Drive 4 158 CAP Front Wheel Hub Grease 6 330 BUSHING Transmission Front Servo 4 226 CAP Front Wheel Locking Hub 6 308 BUSHING Transmission Extension 4 319 CAP Fuel n ector Metering 3 332 BUSHING Transmission First and Reverse Gear CAP Fuel Tank Evaporator Contro Engine End 3 130 Thrust 4 418 CAP Fuel Tank Filler 3 028 BUSHING Transmission Control 4 042 CAP Horn Button 2 820 BUSHING Transmission Control 4 037 CAP Intake Manifold Vacuum N 3 278 BUSHING Transmission Main Shaft 4 399 CAP King Pin 0iI 6 225 V BUSHING Transmission Extension 4 319 CAP KIT Cab and Load Carrier Outer Side BUSHING Transmission Control 4 012 Decoration 17 507 BUSHING Transmission Control Rod 4 037 CAP PKG Locking Gas Group 3 028 21 050 BUSH NG Transmission Case 4 104 CAP Radiator Filler 1 203 BUSHING Wheel Brake 4 665 CAP Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 BUTTON Door Outside Handle 16 353 CAP Steering Column 6 519 BUTTON Engine Camshaft Thnist 0 533 CAP Steering Column 6 518 E BU1 0N Seat Back 16 724 CAP Steering Hydraulic Pump Power Brake BUTTON Side Marker and Hazard Flasher 2 575 Booster 6 635 BUZZER Ignition Switch Warning Lock or CAPSULE Headlamp 2 725 Headlamp 2 195 CAP Top Lining Interior 16 742 WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 52A H1 INDEX