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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

T4B 37 0 0 0 0 XRD K 0 e9 2 0 0 R I 0 M R D F O G 0 QN i A 0 ID z J C J 0 Q 0 Q Nw 0 0 9 0 0 i an 0 w lei we G n 3 D gg 9 S I ig as Q Ig I 0 J qw gc wi l y1ll is 0 0 T4B 37 1979 84 CG JB 1 JB 3 MASTER Br VACUUM CYLINDERS BENDIX 1 BAIL Reservoir Cap Asm 4 651 25 SPRING Vacuum Power Brake 2 COVER Main Cylinder 4 651 Diaphragm Retainer 4 924 3 DIAPHRAGM KIT Resvr Also part ol 26 DIAPHRAGM Cylinder Plate and Valve 4 649 Repair Kit 4 651 Body 4 922 4 BOLT Piston Stop 4 653 27 KEY Valve Plunger Stop 4 918 5 CYLINDER Part of 4 650 Cylinder Asm N S 28 DIAPHRAGM Vacuum Power Brake M 6 SEAT Brake Pine Cylinder 4 671 Cylinder 4 922 7 NUT Hex 8 915 29 PLUNGER Part of 4 9 l B Plunger Asm 8 SPRING Secondary Piston 4 655 Cylinder Valve 2 N S 9 RETAINER Secondary Cup 1 4 654 30 POPPET Part of 4 918 Plungar Asm 10 CUP Secondary Piston Outboard 1 4 654 Cylinder Valve 2 N S 11 PROTECTOR Primary Cup 1 4 654 31 SPRING Part 014 918 Plunger Asm 12 PISTON ASM Secondary Main Cylinder Valve 2 N S Cylinder 4 653 32 RETAINER Part of 4 918 Plunger Asm 13 SEAL Main Cylinder Secondary 1 4 654 Cylinder Valve Z N S I4 CUP Secondary Piston Inboard 1 4 654 33 SPRING Part of 4 918 Plunger Asm 15 PISTON ASM Primary Main Cylinder Cylinder Valve Z N S 1 4 653 34 RETAINER Part of 4 918 Plunger Asm 16 RING Cylinder Lock 4 656 Cylinder Valve 2 J N S 17 SEAL Fan of 4 910 Plate N S 35 FILTER Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 18 PLATE Pan of 4 9 I0 Plate W Seal N S Air Cleaner Z 4 9I3 19 VALVE ASM Vacuum Power Brake 36 RETAINER Part of 4 918 Plunger Asm N Cylinder Check 2 4 955 Cylinder Valve S 20 GROMMET Check VaIve 2 4 955 37 ROD Part oi 4 918 Plunger Asm 21 SHELL ASM W Studs Cylinder Front 4 906 Cylinder Valve Z N S 22 STUD Part oi 4 906 Shell Asm 38 SEAL Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder W Studs N S Valve Body 2 4 918 23 SHAFT Part of 4 90l Cylinder Asm N S 39 STUD Part of 4 906 Shell and Seal 24 HEAD Part of 4 901 Cylinder Asm N S Asm Cylinder Rear N S 40 SHELL ASM Vacuum Brake Cylinder 4 906 NOTE 1 Also part of 4 949 Repair Unit hydraulic brake main cylinder NOTE 2 Also pan of 4 898 Repair Unit vacuum power brake cylinden WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATl0N LT TRUCK E2A 1 84 4r107 4 000 GROUP