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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984
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1983 84 TRUCK SERIES IDENTIFICATION Continued A SERIES 6300 03 32 MODELS NOMINAL WHEEL 2 DOOR FORWARD 2 DOOR FORWARD TON BASE CONTROL CHASSIS CAB CONTROL CAB AND VAN RATING COMMERCIAL RV CUTAWAV STEEL ALUMINUM CUTAWAY VAN VAN RALLV H CUBE VAN RI CUBE VAN VANDURA CAMPER MAGNAVAN MAGNAVAN SPECIAL SPECIAL O3 E31 D8 E36 SIG WIDE SG WIDE O3 E34 B2 WIDE DG E38 O3 E39 W WIDE QB WIDE NOTE All light duty model numbers are preceded In the letter C lor Chevrolet models and hy the letter T for GMC Truck and Coach models All GMC Truck and Coach model identilicanons are obtained through stipulation of RPO ZB8 SERIES P Z00 30O FORWARD CONTROL MODELS Z DOOR 2 DOOR FORWARD FORWARD CONVENTIONAL MOTOR HOME CONTROL CONTROL FORWARD FORWARD STEEL VAN ALUMINUM VAN NOMINAL CONTROL CONTROL STEP VAN STEP VAN TON WHEEL CRASSIS CHASSIS VALUE VAN VALUE VAN RATING BASE Pm 1 42 E32 42 E33 3 4 IZH lZIl11 42 E32 42 B3 434 PW 42 332 42 33 E4 rm 1 42 332 42 E33 433 IE1I K1 IK 42 azz 42 E33 IK IEE IZ1 l 1 424 NOTE All light duty model numbers are preceded by the letter C for Chevrolet models and hy the letter T for GMC Truck and Coach models All GMC Tmck and Coach model identifications are obtained through stipulation of RPO ZB8 WAREHOUS NG AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK BZA REV 1 84 is