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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |
1983 84 TRUCK SERIES IDENTIFICATION SERIES C100 z00 300 MODELS V Z DOOR Z DOOR Z DOOR 4 DOOR 4 DOOR CHASSIS CAB PICKUP PICKUP CHASS S CAB PICKUP NOMINAL SERIES IFLEETSIDEI ISTEPSIDEI IFLEETSIDEI TON 4 WIDESIDEI FENDERSIDEI WIDESIDEI RATING OG E63 D3 E62 I 2 117 5 64 2 FT BOX IM 2 FT euxl N ta Fr eoxl CZ08 03 E63 03 E62 3 4 18 FI BOX 8 FT BOX 112 E63 C6 0G 562 CBP la rr BOX IB FT soxl 43 ESI BONUS CAB ls FI sox 43 AS3 E63 CREW CAB In Fr eoxl C309 03 E63 03 EGZ Y m X mm W 4 V 43 43 E63 BONUS CAB BONUS CAB la rn 0 l 43 C70 BONUS CAB 43 AS3 43 AS3 E63 CREW CAB CREW CAB to Fr BOX 43 Asa 070 CREW CAB 1 21 1 M cw wc NOTE All light duty model number ere preceded by the letter C for Chevrolet models and bythe letter I for GNC I Truck and Coach models All GMC Truck and Coach model identifications are obtained through stipulation ol RPO Z8 1 wnnsuousmc Ann msrmeurnou mvnsncu or csuznm morons convention 1 1 rnucx sn V is REV 1 84