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Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 14 May 1980 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX SCREW Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast Idle 3 766 SCREW Rear License Lamp Lens 4 I 4 4 4 2 708 SCREW Carburetor and Fuel lnrection Idle SCREW Rear Quarter Molding I 12 118 Adjusting 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 822 SCREW Rear View Mirror 4 10 186 SCREW Carburetor and Fuel Meter Fuel Inlet 3 740 SCREW Rear Window 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 778 SCREW Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake with SCREW Ring Gear 5 531 Seat and Gasket 4 44 4 4 4 4 3 814 SCREW Rocker Panel Molding 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 309 SCREW Carburetor Air 4 3 730 SCREW Roof Drip 4 12 075 SCREW Carburetor Body 44 4 4 4 3 741 SCREW Roof Ventilation 12 811 SCREW Carburetor Choke 3 751 SCREW Roof 12 952 SCREW Carburetor Idle Air Compensator 3 820 SCREW Seat Back Lock 11 390 SCREW Carburetor Idle Vapor Vent 4 3 852 SCREW Side Seat Hin e Arm 4 4 11 375 SCREW Carburetor Pump 3 841 SCREW Stabilizer Shaft 4 4 4 7 242 SCREW Carburetor Throttle Valve and Throttle SCREW Starter Motor Internal z 4 2 077 Lever Adjusting 4 4 4 3 761 SCREW Starter Motor to Engine Attaching l 4 2 042 SCREW Carburetor 3 755 SCREW Steering Column Lock Bolt 6 500 SCREW Concealed Headlamp Control Drive 2 7 60 SCREW Steering Column 6 760 SCREW Concealed Headlamp Control Opening SCREW Steering Gear Ball Return Guide 4 4 4 4 6 843 Cover 44 4 Z 765 SCREW Steering Shaft U Joint 6 525 SCREW Differential Carrier Cap 4 4 5 506 SCREW Sunshade Support 4 10 219 SCREW Direction Control Switch 4 4 4 4 44 2 906 SCREW Tail Lamp 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 688 SCREW Directional Signal Lamp See Group SCREW Tilt or Tel Steering Column 6 514 9 748 tell tale windows and Group 6 514 SCREW Top Roof Outer 4 4 4 44 4 12 810 for Crulse Control Lev u 2 895 SCREW Transmission Front Servo 4 225 SCREW Distributor with Bracket and Lead 4 2 393 SCREW Transmission 0ll 4 4 4 195 SCREW Distributor Cap 4 2 368 SCREW Transmission 4 256 SCREW Distributor Contact Point Support i SCREW Trim Body Center Pillar With Metal Clamp 2 387 Inner Panel 14 730 SCREW Distributor Vacuum Control 2 414 SCREW Valve Push Rod Adlusting 0 429 SCREW Distributor 2 3 82 SCREW Wheel Cover Appearance 4 5 871 SCREW Door Handle Push Button 4 12 195 r SCREW Windshield Reveal Molding 10 096 SCREW Door Hinge to Hinge Pillar 10 483 SCREW Windshield Upper and Lower 12 807 SCREW Door Lock 10 474 SCREW Windshield Washer nc 10 153 SCREW Door Trim Finish 14 691 SCREW Windshield Wiper Motor 0 150 SCREW Door Window Glass Lower Sash 10 685 xSEAL 9 172 SCREW Door Window Regulator Manual or SEAL Accelerator Rod Linkage 3 469 Electric 10 792 SEAL Air Cleaner Oil 3 406 SCREW Door Window Regulator Motor 10 783 SEAL Air Cleaner 3 417 SCREW Electrical Output See Group 2 319 for SEAL Air Cond Evap Air Distributor 9 252 Breaker 2 500 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Internal SCREW Emergency and Safety Lamp Socket Axial Type 9 172 Replacement 2 575 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Shaft 9 l75 SCREW Flywheel 0 679 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Inlet 9 218 SCREW Folding Top Compartment Lld Lock 12 237 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass 9 198 SCREW Folding Top Front Roof 14 050 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 211 SCREW Folding TOD Rear I4 340 SEAL Alr Flow 9 786 SCREW Folding Top Side Roof Rail Control SEAL Brake Cable 4 4 784 Llnk 14 155 SEAL Brake Cyl and Pedal Shaft Also see SCREW Front Body Hinge 12 840 r group 0 847 for pedal shaft bracket 4 648 SCREW Front Fender and Skirt 8 143 SEAL Bumper Sheet Metal 7 833 SCREW Front Fender I 8 147 SEAL Carburetor and Fuel Iniection Choke 3 752 SCREW Front Seat 1 1 561 SEAL Clutch For COVERS See Group 4 630 0 829 SCREW Fuel or Air Meter 3 314 SEAL Clutch Pedal Intermediate Lever Shaft SCREW Fuel Meter Vent 3 328 Bell 0 851 SCREW Fuel Meter 3 322 SEAL Control Shaft or Tube 4 027 SCREW Fuel Pump Mounting 3 901 SEAL Cowl Side t 12 804 SCREW Fuel Tank Evaporatlve Control 3 130 SEAL Crankcase Front End Cover 0 213 SCREW Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 SEAL Crankshaft Rear Bearing and Cap Oil 0 137 SCREW Fuel Tank Flller 3 028 SEAL Distributor Housing 2 363 SCREW Fuel Tank Gage 3 112 SEAL Distributor Mainshaft 2 375 SCREW Gas Tank Filler Neck Compartment 12 945 SEAL Door Dovetail Bumper Wedge 10 584 SCREW Gearshift Hand Lever Housing 4 012 SEAL Door Handle Push Button 10 529 SCREW Generator Current Regulator Listed in SEAL Door Lock 10 470 Group 2 500 2 319 SEAL Door Window Glassw 7 10 710 SCREW Generator Brush 2 291 SEAL Drive Pinion 5 469 SCREW Generator Drive End 2 307 SEALED BEAM Headlamp 2 727 SCREW Hardtop 13 346 SEAL Folding Top Motor and Pump 14 482 SCREW Headlamp Beam Adiusting 2 737 SEAL Front Fender and SkIrt 8 154 SCREW Headlamp Control 2 775 SEAL Front Wheel Bearing 6 326 SCREW Headlamp Lens and Sealed Beam SEAL Fuel lnlector 3 330 Retaining 2 786 SEAL Fuel Meter 3 322 SCREW Headlamp Moulding 2 729 SEAL Fuel Tank Filler Neck 3 008 SCREW Hood 8 024 SEAL Gear Shah 6 519 SCREW Horn Button and Blowing Ring 2 819 SEAL Generator Commutator or Rotor Slip Ring SCREW Oil 1 652 End Frame I 2 298 SCREW Oil Pan Attaching with Lockwasher 1 428 SEAL Headlamp Control 2 775 SCREW Oil Pan Drain 1 453 SEAL Heater 8 845 SCREW Oil Pump 4 203 SEAL Heater 8 854 SCREW Parking Lamp Door or Lens 2 594 SEAL Hood Also See Group 1 303 8 055 SCREW Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 SEAL Hydraulic Steering Cylinder Piston Rod 6 581 SCREW Radiator Core 1 270 SEAL Ignition Coi Mounting 2 183 SCREW Radiator Grille and Engine Beffle SEAL Instrument Case 4 9 749 Attaching 1 275 SEAL KIT Air Conditioning Compressor Shaft 9 175 SCREW Radio Noise Suppression 9 663 SEAL KIT Air Conditioning Less Clutch 9 170 SCREW Rear Compartment Lid 12 242 SEAL l IT Oil Pump 4 4 203 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT 0N CHEVROLET 14 i INDEX 70