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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977 |

1966 68 CHEVROLET PROTECT O PLATE Continued LOCATION I 1966 LOCATION L 1966 67 LOCATION N Power Brakes and or Steering Windshield Wiper Oplinn Power Window Equipment Om m w A Vehicle M m Power Steering Only 1 N40 Pullllfrpsrake lonlll g 1967 LOCATION L Chevrolet Chevelle l B0 ower eer ng and PWM Bram lsu one Broke Option g ggll gg QE E Ch II l 22 2Vy 1966 LOCATION J gzevrolllkcchevelle 3 J52 2 Egg evy 31IlBI 0 Generator Option Chevrolet Chevelle 4 F4UlJ52 Corvette 6 A33IB93 I lil Chevy I I 1 ABI ee w ElLli lfel 3 Ellll l elite Chevrolet 1 K79 Chevelle and l 2 E2 me lemon N C 1 W ms Broke opoaen V Power Window Equipment 19 LOCATION J Vehicle g EQ 67 Chevrolet Chevelle 3 152 Vehicle Code Radio Clock Group Chevy ll ln Camaro Chevrolet Chevelle 4 F40Il5Z Chevrolet Chevelle 1 ABI sm c l ll l m 5 om give chevrolet Chevelle 1 Corvette Camarol 6 l5b evro el Chevelle 2 A33 ghevy ll corvalr x a canam s A31IN65 EITIBTD 1966 67 LOCATION M 1966 67 LOCATION K A C d LOCATION 0 ir on itionin R dio Option 9 Power Seat Equipment Vehclle gy jg E Chevrolet 1 ceo venlcle gg w Chevrolet Chevelle 2 cg04 75 chevmlgl l M2 l g0 3 lm cnmlle Chevy Il 1 clan 2 M6 Calnaro 1 C60 Q 4 cls Chevelle z All Corvair I C64 6 U69IU80 4 cw Chevrolet Only 2 U79 7 UWU79 C48 ls healer delete LOCATION R 1968 LOCATION K 1968 LOCATION M Curburelor Usage 1966 Radio Option A C H l Vehlcle gp V h l od code Plant e ice C e RPO glI evrolit CChevelIg g Ugg chewolel Chevelle l R Rochester gillilgcl Q ctvaull g U gllllao l l1g gl C0l V lf H Holley or Carter evro e eve c l l ll lL l lc llle ttel 2 L All Except Chevy Ill 5 U69 P All lixceptchsvy II 6 U69N l80 lC48 is Healer Delelel GM mers DIVISION GENERAL morons CORPORAT 0N CHEVRDLET 11 it 24 REV 10 76