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Super Sport Equipment List November 1970 |

8 Run a ful length semi circular tray baffle under the ff crankshaft with louvers to draw the oil away from the crank 9 Design the oil supply tank as tall and as small in diameter as possible space permitting It is recom mended the tank hold a minimum of 8 quarts of oil with enough air space above the oil to effect oil air separation l0 Build the engine with the proper lifters rocker arms rear cam bearing and clearances to require a minimum of oil flow This is the greatest asset to a properly V functioning dry sump ll Do not over cool the oil Racing oil requires about ZOOOF to flow properly Measure oil temperature be tween the oil coolers and the engine and try to keep it between 1800 and 2400 when thoroughly warmed l2 Vent both the engine and the supply tank or vent the engine to a properly vented supply tank Keep vent lines of adequate size 1 12 or 2 10 size lines to keep from causing any pressure build up in the crank V 7 case This is a common mistake Breather holes in X the engine rocker covers are an excellent place from l which to vent Most covers have oil separators located i under the vent holes These should remain in position I l l r 1 I w T E 3 i 30 ll 1 6 70 W