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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

1D 46 DOORS I t LOWER SASH CHANNEL CAM LOw5R5A H CHANNEL SCREW ACCESS HOLES GUIDE PLATE scmaws ELECTRIC STYLES 35000 SERIES l I 0 I I i N jb rm el J ji lj I sg Q gl A S I it I I C I REMOTE CONTROL BOLTS L at W J I I I I I U I ix if I I a f O INNER PANEL CAM BOLTS k I I f 2 p R F j I C g f f I es x 4 I I I li nk D i J y fa time 4 It it Ci r I L Ll LOWER SASH CHANNEL CAM lm CREj Y jMANUAL STYLES I N I O 3 O Fig ID59 Re r Door H r Iw re Arfechnient 5 To install reverse removal procedure Figures 1DGO and lDGl are exploded views oi the 39 and G9 style except 68069 style rear d00r window assemblies and identify the specific compe REAR DOOR WINDOW ASSEMBLY nents and their assembly sequence V yh9Il l 13 Ci lQQ tO I1 glass 1 I ll2l 13 35 to sash channel spacers When installing glass te The i eu 1I m window assembly consists Or A Ffh i il PtS 10 d OI 50 mh frameless piece nf snlid tempered safety plate S UO J glass and a h lt i n lower sash channel With this V Removal nd InsI h n design the window is removed tram the door as an assembly and dunr glass replacement made in zi l Remove door trim assembly and inner panel bench Operation water deflectur