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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

1 22 REAR END f ez g 1y T vleeletii T T f M r err irri l a PZ r C Raven MOLDINGI 4 r r S I LWN r QQ tri L i iQ l rr ii rj h h 1 S rt V T LOWER RETAlNEl E r I I 4 iLL aLe 1 t V 2 e l ti t u j Q I Q I 4 V r r e Q Flg lF38 Inner Punel Cover Rer xr I RUN CHANNEL l ETA NER I I tightening screws see 1F36 I RUN CHANNEL TWO 3 To install reverse removal procedure r F TAIL GATE GLASS RUN CHANNEL Pre lF1 T il Gate Upper Glqgs Pun Clmmrrel lierenllcm INNER AND OUTER STRIP ASSEMBIIES nemrml urrd lnstullulion AU STAUON WAGON STYLES 1 With fingers only slightly squeeze run channel R d at one end and pull channel out of opening Both strip assemblies inner and outer are re g Once mm Chmmel has been removeep the e tained by clips in either the inner or outer panel miner can be adjusted by icosemng attaching f wil we The Outer strip is l liti 11y re scrrews shifting retainer to desired position and timid DY STO S fV5 jliillgxgifgzfsenehefg rem ve ei ier s rip xx T I r present then using zi flat tool shown in Figure T l 1F3 remove strip assemblies To install reverse removal procedure It the tail gate cannot be opened due to the elec trieally operated tail gate xvindoxv motor failing SNMP A bEMBLY with window in the ui position nroceed as follows l I L r r 1 Remove the side and center screws of the tail gate inner panel cover Slide cover up and remove 1 V FLA T TOOL from tail gate NOTE The bottom retainer screws need not be T r removed as these screws secure retainer only Rt S The tail gate inner cover panel is held in the Q bottom retainer by slots in side and center sec A tion metal strips SSG Fig 1F38 Cllr 2 Remove inner panel access hole covers re m move window sash channel cam attaching bolts and lower tail gate windoxv sufficiently to allow tail Fig lF37 T iI Gate Strip Assembly Removal gate to be opened