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Body Service Manual August 1964
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DOORS 2D 1 DOORS FRONT AND REAR DOORS ALL STYLES The door section consists of a series of specifie 2 Using a tlat blade tool carefully break ee service operations applicable to the removal and ment bond securing weatherstrip to door at helt installation of eaeh individual door hardware com line ponent In addition because hardware alignment afferts door sealing and the operation of door 3 Slide weatherstrip removal tool und e r mechanisms adjustment procedures are included weatlieistttip at each fastener location and grip for those parts that have adjustment provisions fastener as close to door panel as possible then gently pry fastener out ot its respective door To facilitate locating spi 1fi service operations piercing the door section is divided into three areas These areas are titled and arranged in the following CAUTION Exercise care not to damage ser sequence rations or fasteners during removal as they are necessary to maintain a gooti weatherseal a F1 nt and Rear Doors which consists of operations similar tw both front and rear doors 4 On h 1 dtOl and U0llV 1 tib1 iY1 th lV 1Lh 1 strip can now be removed On closed styles b Fr nt Doors which consists of operations D1 0 9 l with SLEP 5 applicable to front doors only C Rear Doors which consists of operations if L i J r e applicable to rear doors only L L d Si le RoofRailWeatherst1 ips l RETAINER Wi i iii j FRONT AND REAR DOOR WEATHERSTRIPS WEATHERSTRW I ALL STYLES M 3 ill rf Door weatherstrips are retained below the belt ii I Q line by nylon fasteners and above the belt line tl eloscid styles only by weathcrstrip adhesive In l addition on coupe styles the upper ends of the weatherstrip are additionally retained at the belt line by plastic snap fasteners RETAINER The nylon fasteners which are component parts Q of the weatherstrip are serrated and retain the VE weatherstrip to the door by engaging piercings in E 7 the door panel Although the fasteners are a com ponent part of the weatherstrip and are pre installed on replacement strip assemblies they are available as a separate service part To remove a weatherstrip retained with the nylon fastener requires the use of tool J 21104 3 16 or equivalent as shown in Figure 2Dl If this tool js is not available a comparable tool can be fabri L AH cated according to the dimensions shown Removal VV TOOL J 21104 l On hardtop and convertible styles remove 1312 snap fasteners securing ends nf weatherstrip at belt line of door hinge pillar and lock pillar Fig 2Dl D r WeotL vers ip Re mmnl