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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

2D 12 DOORS I I i at se OOO e fit I t I W V 3 Q 5 CY f ji I j yy Asijrlfi eww I Tr 5I I Q r 3 i T i e W B is HINGLTO Doon ir liGii L U iI i iittlt l py W V i HINcssI J M I 2 I i 1 i rr O I I I 5 iii i JLr e1 e jl view IN cnnctz A XL E EFTT J w NI I e I r O t 5 Itiei hae l VIEW IN CIRCLE Is Q E HINGE tO DOOR szAtINc te I f l i i F a I i nom DOOR uI I iz HINGE J I LOWER HINGE TO DOOR QD ATT cH NF SCREWS HINGE ro sour SEALING gf Q j I I Eq A VI A 33 i it J Y FRONT DOOR LOWER HINGE pt Fig 2Dl7 Front Door Hinge Armeiimem Fig 2Dl8 Front Door Hinge Sealing NOTE Tool J 2l55O is designed for adjustment of front door hinge to body attaching bolts See Instnllution Fig 2Dl9 1 As an anti squeak precaution and to prevent Usage of this tool eliminates the need of loosen entry of water into door at hinge attaching belt lo inu the front fender It tool J 21550 is not available cations coat attaehing surfaces 01 hinges with or it additional clearance is desired perform step heavy bodied sealer prior to installing door See one in the following procedure otherwise begin Fig 2Dl8 with step number two 2 With the aid of a helper reinstall door to l Loosen front fender as required The pre body opening Align hinges within scribe marks erred method is to remove the front tender to cowl attaching bolt s and the first two or three i l Isest to cowl panel lender to fender reinforce ment attaching bolts One or more of these latter i bolts also serve as hood hinge attaching bolts Then remove lower lender to rocker panel at taehing bolt s and the first tour or five fender MR 4 to fender skirt attaching bolts and prop rear of tender ziway from body with n wooden block v Q j NOTE The number oi fender bolts that must he removed in order to gain adequate looseness ni the front tender is determined by the style invi Ilved 2 Mark hinge lot ati ins on body hinge pillar 3 With the aid ol ii helper to properly support naw e citior remove bolts securing upper and lower hinges tn body iind remove door assembly with hinges itt u l1ed from body See Fig 2D20 Fig 2Di9 Fronr Door Hinge Tool J 21550