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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

ZF 6 REAR END eaulking material into leak paint This can best be te determine extent mf leak This operation shriuld done from inside the body After watertest remove be perf rmed while water is being applied tn tape train inside surface ef elass leak area Mark extent of leak area 22 Install all previtiusly removed parts and re 3 From outside bedy clean any dirt er foreign innve pr i iet tive coverings material from leak area with water and then dry elean area with an air hese NOTE Unused adhesive eanlking material re maining in tube can be stored for later use Tn 4 Using a sharp knife trim eff uneven edge ef store remove nozzle and insert end Pap pre adhesive eaulking material see eperation A in viously removed D0 not remnve material frtnn Fig 2FT at the leak ptiiint and three tu four inches nezxle until it has cured Once material has 011 beth sides beyond limits of leak area cured it can be removed from nozzle in one piece with a pair of pliers 5 Using zi small brush apply adhesive eaulking material primer nver trimmed edge of adhesive MINOR WATERI EAK CORRECTIONS eaulking material and over adjacent painted surface ALL STYLES see operation B in Fig ZF7 With adhesive eaulking material in a eured state 6 Apply adhesive eaulking material as shsinvn in Adhesive vaulked glass installation waterleaks Opemtlml C lu Fig gpg al leakpglnt mul three can be c rret te l in the following manner withrnit O Our lpcllps Un pdl Sides pgvpml llmlls Og leak removing and reinstalling the glass u E i NOTE The tellnwingg preeednre is applicable l lmmgdlat ly Mlm p l fm H mlg Slap Nth lv usp only with the use of adhesive caulkina material A fmt gtitekl or ntlier suitable flat bladed tool to and ll im f iSh l lll GM Kit Perl NW 4226000 work adhesive raulking material well into leak or equivalent pmint and into joint nf Original material and body t0 effect a water tight seal along entire length 0f 1 Rernere reveal l Ol Illl l1l31 H fl 8k matermi applieatien see tiperation D in ZF 2 Mark location of leaklrs 8 Watertest spray t0 assure that leak has been NOTE lf leak is between adhesive eaulking ma m 9pgS l DO NOT yup 3 heavy Stream Og waler terial and bndy er between material and glass dlygplly p y applied adhesive Cnulklpg carefully push outward on glass in area 0t leak m l m