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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR END 21 7 REAR COMPARTMENT The re 1r z 1 1111p111 tment l11iI Cl1lI 111 S two IIJIYILIH 4 I 1 1 install reverse 1 1 1111 1v 1l pr1 11 e1 I111 e Alilh rwtls that 11 12 IIIULIIILECI between the I1i11u 1 1s5e111hlies 11111rks 1111 lid with hi11g1 straps h i t1 1 e tiglxtenixxg t11 11 t us 1 e1 1111t rI1 1l 1111 e 121111 l11 1lcI 1i pe1 1 for the hinge i1tt 11 l1i11g bolts 1111 N1 1t1 I1 s 111 the st 1ti1 11 11 y part 111 the hinges 11111111 l1 1 i rji lSIIllk l1I 1 11 the r1 1 Is t1i1 tnerense nr 1I1 11 1 1 11 s1 the 1 t1 1 11 t required t1i1 O1 ll and Close the Adjustmems l1 l 1 T11 1tI ust 1 1 111p 1rtme11t 1111 t 1 1rw 1rt1 11r 1 11 11 l I11 r1 1r 1 1111p 1rt111e11t 1111 lrml employs 11 side wqird 1 111 fr1i1111 side t1 1 side 111111 t1j 11p IlIllU l1 1i1s 11 11 t11111 s11 1p b1 11t n1e1 h t11ismtI1 tt hasp1 1 v1sl1i 11s 1t both hinge strap 1tt 11 I1i11u 11111ts LIIILI the 1tt 11 I1111g screw l11e 1t11w11s for lnteritl 1tI ust Fig BFS 1111 I girtynst lid its r1rqu11 e1 I tI1e11t1g l1t1111 111e11t Ve1 ti1 1l i I 11st111e11t is 1v 1il 1hle ut the 11111ts striker 1tt 11sI1111g S l EW l1 1e 1t1e11s 2 T11 itdiust 1 11111p 1rtn11 11t litl 1t Illllg 111611 up All styles use 11 single llllll ee111ent 1111 type 1 r tI1 1w11 i11st 1ll shims between lid inner p 1n1 l t111l wetttlierstrip tI1 1t is 1 e111e11ted tn the rear l l1l 1l k l 1 L hinge straps as f11ll1 1ws ment gutter 1 1 111i let1 lv 1111131111d the lid l Il1llQ H Tu riiise r1 1nt eilge 11t li1I fit hingz Ltrmt pl 11 t shim l 0tw1 r 11 lid i11111 r p 1111 l 111tl t1 1 w 11 1iI p1i11 t11111 REAR COMPARTMENT LID 1 11 1 11112 1 11 111 1th hinge straps 1t 1tt 1r I1111g I11 lt ALL STYLES Fig ZF8 Removal und Instullulion I T0 11 1W i front erlge 111 li1I Lit hinge Ltreii place shim I IW t 1l li1 I i1111 r panel 111111 1 e111 w 11 tI pt 1 1 Open l t 1 1 1 1n1p 1rtn1e11t 1111 and place pro ti1i111 inf 0110 or 1 1i1th hinge straps 1t 1tt 11 I1i11g teetive 1 1 1v ri11g 111 111g edges uf reiir er1111p 1rtme11t Imlt A Fig ZF8 1 1pe11i11g t11 prevent I11n1 1ge tg piiinteci stirtaiees 3 T1 1 mghevk lid 1171 l bull 1 11Q 1g 1111211t with 2 Mwk 1 ti ef hinge Stwivs tm hd r s11 1k1 1 1 1 Rl Kll c 1 111p 11 t1111 111 L11 1 L111 11s1 1 111e1 pxtnel 011 styles with rear 0z11p 1rt111e11t lid l1i11 k Ellmgelmlut Chp k V1l 1llIl l release 1r pt11 111 1 c n11 ve VL1CLllll l I11i se1 1 0m 1111 OltIs1111 111il1 11111 REAR COMPARTMENT LID TOROUE ROD 3 With I1itI 11i L1 helper 1 1 11111w lid i1tti11Jl1i11g A Lj MEN bolts A 1111iI B Fig ZF8 and 1 e111r ve rear ALL YLE 1 1 111p 1 t111c 11t lid TI1e 11111 1111t 01 ettmit r1 11111re1 1 t11 171pen 1 r 1 l1 1s 141 1 s the 1 I ll 1i1mp 1rt111e11t li1 I is 11etern11ne1 by the 1 4 I I I 111 t1i h p1 1siti1 11 1 1f the t1 1 1 pe11 rntls in the hinge jltjizhhlr A is plates L 1 B i 1 11 V AAA v W ENGAGE TOOL WITH TORQUE 1 11 pop Al these P01r E M W w H 4 1 TOOL J 21412 As Y 1 Ja 4 TO REMOVE TO 21011151 I 1 I I 1 A I A I 2 3 1 1 11 1 e ig W Fig 2FB 1 e 1 C 111p 11 1e111 Lid Hinge and Tmqhe Red Ar1 1 I1 1e111 Fiq 2F9 Re 1 C 111p 1m e11r T1 1q11e Red A1I 11s1me111