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BOLT hub rn clutch 4 4 4 4 44 69 Exc F85 or Tor 84900 180075 Z BOLT crankshaft pulley lo hub 4 4 70 V8 8 900 4 4 4 180075 2 1 BOLT
flywheel hsg g 65 71 L5 S T 3817008 4 10 BOLT lower cover 71 Exc L6 180075 AR BOLT clutch hog pan OLDSMOBlLE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS COF1PORATlON
sides 4 f 66 71 L6 6 900 4 180075 4 LT Vn 18 x Vu Irt rear 65 72 V8 0 413 4 388708 I4r 05 BOLT V4 20 x exc corners
Calif 1108389 1 82 20 MOTOR 4 64 67 F85 V8 8 900 180075 1 BOLT brace tu starter motor 71 Ter 8 900 427555 AH 30 BOLT sxarter to trans
When replecmg original production type pumps on 1949 thru 1952 models also order 4 hub bolts 180075 Group 6 900 When replacing on I953 ell 1954 lst type models also order 4 hub bolts
BOLT mtr mtg t 6 ir 4 V 54 67 F85 V8 8 900 I 180075 I BOLT l5race to motor 66 57 L6 Tor 1939970 1 2 31 BOLT thru
BOLT ground cable to eng 71 Ter 8 900 180075 1 BOLT neg cable tc eng 70 FB5 V8 exc T H 350 8 900 180120 1 BOLT wiring tube clamp
Floor Shift 386710 1 2 77 BELLCRANK relay 69 6600 T H Console Shift 180075 2 BOLT shift cable bracket to trans 61 63 FB5 S T 1347679 1 1 03 BRACKET shift equalizer lever
BOLT gov att 18 x A 65 71 T H 400 425 8 900 180075 AR BOLT governor cover to case 64 69 J T 1235259 1 1 59 SUSHING governor bore repair