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ASSY 2462269 N 96034 COVE R 2488826 E 64599 CAG E ASSY 2462270 N 96292 SPRING 2488827 E 64601 RETAINER ASSY 2462271 N 96023 YOKE ASSY 2492331 N 96639 NUT 2462272 N 96027 BALL JOINT
tlhru early 65 models having flange type retainer it will be necessary to use Retainer 2488827 60 65 Ser 80 TDM frt rr axle w 30 000 lb axle
Note 2 65 69 All w 16 100 16 200 30 D S C 2nd design 2488827 1 6 75 w seal Eaton 64601 Note 2 55 59 Ser 4 w 2 Spd axle
RING 50709 3772753 BOLT 54599 248826 47172 2394939 CARRIER ASSY 50718 2398254 BUSHING 64601 2488827 RETAINER ASSY 47173 2394940 CA R R I E R ASSY 50719 2398253 GEAR 54802 2469349 COVE