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stamped w forge No 365811 101 3681101 33 75 2 I 1946 50 DR ER FR GR HR 1 in bet cir of U bo lt holes w forge No 3681642 hos dab of green ...
DUBL DUT1 SCH BUS CH 2 TO1 l use w 3681101 forgedl on I beam
UTIL and SCH BUS CH 1 large brg dia use w No 3681101 lst design 1949 3678186 or 3683214 forged on 1 beam 609735 13 75 1 2 1948 50 DUBL DUTI forge ...
UTIL and SCH BUS CH 1 large brg dia use w No 3681101 2nd design 3678186 or 3683214 forged on 1 beam 3693435 13 75 2 1949 50 ALL PASS forge
UTILITY exc COE and hvy duty 1946 OE OF OG DR DS P 1 use w No 3681101 forwged on I beam 1947 50 ALL COMM and UTIL ...
forge N0 1947 50 ALL 2 TON SCH BUS CH 1DUB1 DUTI 3678186 or 3681101 on 1 beam 3678185 4 15 2 1 NOTE When using 3678185 on 1946 models it is necessary
thds one end 1946 50 ALL 2 TON UTILITY 20 other end use w No 3681101 or 3678186 frgd on I beam 3678198 45 2 4 1946 50 SCHOOL BUS CH BOLT flange 3 long ...
thds one end 1946 50 ALL 2 TON UTILITY 1 Q 20 other end w No 3681101 or 3678186 frgd on I beam 3678199 35 2 4 1948 50 DUBL DUTI BOLT frt flange short
DUBL DUTI SCH BUS CH 2 TON PLUG use w No 3681101 trgd on I beam 3678195 06 4 1935 38 EA FA GA HA RING lock 378138 06 2 4 1939 50 ALL PASS
frgd 3685157 use w 3681101 frgd on I beam 3685153 7 00 1 NOTE When using 3685153 to replace the ARM ASSY w 3682133 forging No it is necessary to use 3678185 Strg Knuckle
axle I IIDGBCIIIIB having N0 1946 47 ALL 2 TON and OW OY PL C11 3681101 or 3100K 193 187 76 frgd on 3678172 65 2 6 211 RETAINER SHIEI D King Pin Thrust Benning
UTIL and SCH BUS CH front 2 dia hc l 22 u a1e w 3681101 lst design 1949 3678186 or 368321 4forged on I l ecim 3650720 1 75 2 NOTE When using