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Note 1 1 NOTE 1 Use vv 3789794 reinforcement Group 16 551 62 63 CHEVY 3754153 05 1N ASl lER 1 1 5 383 6 6468 CHEVELLE 67 69 CAMAR0 687 69 CHEVY
WASHER idler pulley and bearing brkt attaching front h0 e 3 2 1 60 64 CORVAIR PC 3754153 05 WASHER to crankcase upper
STUD w pump assy upper RVI I hole V VVVV V V 1 60 61 ALL 3754153 05 WASHER belt idler pulley and bracket attach 5 383 2 63 68 CORVAIRV
CHEVY CAIVIARO w dual exh 3922549 IO SCREW exft pipe hanger 4 047 A R ALL ALL 3754153 05 WASHER exh pipe to exh manifold 3 x Hg thick 385 A R l 1969 CHEVROLET
Iexrt STA I I AG EI CAN IINOI 3955019 rear bumper brace 2 61 rG2 F C 3754153 05 WASHER front amd rear 111 B2 15 383 A R 60763 CORVAIR 3817084 20 SCREW ASSY
required rn tnis group See groups 0 293 1 060 6 509 3754153 05 WASHER 1969 CHEVROLET IOTOR DIVISION GENERAL l 101ORS CORPORATlON
NOTE 1 1 required with P Tra 2 recruited with other axles GO 53 CORV lE FC 3754153 05 VVASHER carrier to flywheel housing 13 32 l 5 383l AR 5 548 REPAIR KlT Universal